Your opinion on Dutch people?

Your opinion on Dutch people?

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Other urls found in this thread:–Turkish_diplomatic_incident

Swamp niggers

Like Germans but more anglo

Most powerful people in the world

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Heard they’re tall AF and a lot of natural blondes

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Nearest thing to us.
I've yet to visit your lands, but I consider you kin. Would help mend windmills with, after the Great Purge.

Man, their “nationalist” parties are all lead by indo and jew mongrels

The true Dutch are slowly waking up.

Germans who don‘t want to admit that they‘re Germans

their women absolutely love niggers

We hate you since 2015.

False, just the fat ones and the "zweefteven"

Annoying people clogging up our highways with their fucking caravans.

not soon enough

The Dutch are scum

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In the Dutch hate thread that is currently up, this seems to be the general opinion.

What about God emperor Geert fucking Wilders? He is 100% pure Dutch and nationalist. Who are the mongrels you speak of btw?

Thierry needs to get more aggressive, I had high hopes when he started getting angry publicly.

Geert is controlled opposition, we support /FVD/ (Thierry Baudet) now

Can confirm. Where I live in NY, almost always it’s a Dutch woman with a nigger. But being a guy with dark hair I have no complaints. I went out with a Dutch model but she was a cum guzzling whore, like most Euro women.

This. It's the amount of coal burners in the big city is crazy.
>the fat ones
Can this myth die please?

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Geert is literally Indo and jewish

Both are partially indo tho

Zweefteven. They're never finding a guy after that so let them die a lonely death.

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How is Geert controlled opposition and isn't Thierry a gook mongrel or something?

german and french but got nice bud

Thierry is like 1/16th indo though. Not even mention-worthy

i didn't get the long-legged genes so they're dead to me.

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Just looked it up. Fucking yuck!

>Your opinion on Dutch people?
dutch treat. all you need to know about these misers

Geert had all the right cards to become our PM back when the elections were. The scenario was as followed:
> Erdogan fucking around in other countries messing with their politics
> Plenty of turkshits in the netherlands support erdo
> Diplomat of Turkey tries to preach even though the goverment said no
> Civil war like mentality takes over for a brief moment
> Geert cozies up to Mark 'Ramadan" Rutte and tells him how good he is doing instead of telling what should be done. (Remember, he was at 40 seats in the polls at this points)

He constantly does shit like this, when he gets close to becoming #1 he just intentionally fucks up.

Strong Calvinist people. Hatred of women. Hatred of faggots. Hatred of degeneracy. Believe in Heaven and Hell with no grey area whatsoever between the two. No room for "Teddy Bear Jesus" and all the "Jesus is love" faggotry. Hatred of Islam. Patriotic. Slapping your wife considered an act of love and manhood. Etc...etc...etc...

Calvinism STRONK to make it short.

Belgians but with the gay

In English?–Turkish_diplomatic_incident

This was the incident, this would've made Wilders our PM if he done anything but the moves he DID make.

Old Dutch style version of the navy seal copy pasta

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wtf I'm a quarter Dutch

how dare you all

If Hitler was around he would love you guys

Colonial beta mutts.

I'm with you on this but Thierry is just to scared of getting demonized.
and, wel... Ending up like Pim

She shouldn't have burned the coal

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this is not a political topic. sage

That's only a very small part of the population but as someone who grew up in it I can mostly conform that this is mostly true.
Growing up I was told I was told that Islam was the anti-Christ, T.V stood for "Tot verdoemenis"(to (your) damnation) , DVD meant "Ding van duivel"(Thing of the devil) and that the modern Netherlands was one big Sodom that God would surly Punish for its many sins one day.

He mentioned that Forum's scientific institute is currently looking at the costs per migrant from various countries and said that he wants to devise a plan based on those results (So effectively blocking africans etc). You could still hear the fire in him at his latest events but something is thoming him down. He didn't really respond to the Tommy Robison thing nor the italy government nor the Kurz closing of Mosques thing.


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such a fucking shame

t. indo tokkie mongrel

Our country is so fucking spineless
Our people literally cannot stop sucking migrant cock

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this. With a very good sense of humor. Live a year in the Netherlands: Very good, precise, hard working people. Sometimes a bit too much into their country, but that's ok.

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I know, i've watched his speech in Venlo. I think that he is scared of (((certain people))) who don't like him waking up the Dutch.
Because he is certainly doing a great job activly red pilling The Dutch.

I was joking by describing old Netherlands :)

But i know that a few Dutch still push back against the modern World.

They're alright

They're a dying breed I'm afraid.

He pretty much dodged the question about demographic decline and he seemed to know exactly what he wanted to say to the military guy (about beating an enemy from within) but thought for a bit and effectively evaded that question too.

You're all to right about that makker