>murders someone
>spends rest of life larping as a pagan to avoid the uncomfortable fact that he might be going to hell
Murders someone
He killed a commie - good.
He was larping as a pagan before he killed Euronymous.
Nevertheless, Varg is a mess.
Not pol related
People who know nothing about Varg should be banned from even mentioning his name.
>murders someone
It wasnt murder, it was self-defense.
>to avoid the uncomfortable fact that he might be going to hell
He'll isn't real, you fucking retard.
Phoneposter spotted
>Obsessed with LotR and Tolkien
>Refuses to acknowledge that LotR is a thoroughly Christian work
>Drones on and on about MUH PAGAN INFLUENCE
>Made a couple of REALLY shitty NSBM albums before murdering someone because he's so edgy
>One of Jow Forums's heros
This guy is a fucking joke