I want to get fucked by chad while wearing girl clothes
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U Have the homo gay
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i dont even want to wear the girl clothes :'(
U have the extreme homo gay
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i know... wanna fug
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Is it gay if you both wear girls clothes?
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Uh... N-no!
Yes, very homo gay
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yes, if two gils have sex, its gay
ohh... o-ok...
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But if you both look like girls then it's straight because youre a guy and you are fucking a girl
D-don't cry!
If i hug you will it be better?
But the girl has a penis, that's not hetero straight at all!
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but there are two dicks so they cancel each other out, making it straight again.
no dude, evens is gay, odds is straight
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So three guys would be straight?
OK thanks friend that was a close one.
...y-yeah, *sniff* ... but you gotta hug me really tight, okay...
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A-alright, just don't think this is anything more than a friendly hug though....
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it isn't, don't worry, ...un-unless you want it to be
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W-well, maybe...
What do you have in m-mind?
You are pretty nice...
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i-i'm not sure, b-ut maybe you can think of something.
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W-we could h-hold hands if you like...
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>I want to get fucked by chad while wearing girl clothes
pic related
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I don't know... b-but if it's with you, sure
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>this entire thread
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