How do we make Eastern Europe and Russia rich?

How do we make Eastern Europe and Russia rich?

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we give them money

deez nutz

stop economic sanctions.

Give us American passport

Garsh don't you know how to use the darknet?

I am scared to do so. I have phobia of police and the thought of doing something illegal mentally hurts me

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Have the UN pass a resolution that bans all taxation on vodka

why would you?

Ryssät vittuu suomesta.

You are nothing like the anti-eastern European propaganda has taught me.

Cause I am mutt

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What kind of a mutt?

You will bully me if I tell you.

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I personally won't because I don't care about an uncomfortable truth in your country.

because when we annex finland again it will be good for you to live in a rich country

The truth about my cunt is that every person that fought for it wasnt even Slovak. The "true" Slovaks were uneducated farmers which lived in the middle of slovakia. All others were magyars. We were all our history under somebody. And even to this day the neo-nazi party here panders to Russia.

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R u neo Nazi

How to make Russia great again?
1) Exterminate Putin (war criminal) and his friends (oligarchs-terrorists).
2) Referendum with option "becoming a state of the United States".
3) Russia is the 51st state.
4) ???


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Hey go check out the facts with the toilet witch.

mee ite vittuun vitun kusipää

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Flag checks out.

Don't ever poo in the loo.

Are you the proxy nippon bullying me?

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How can I give cryptocurrency to Eastern Europe and Russia?

Make sure they aren't allowed to govern themselves.

You can send BitCoins to

-- Russia.

Sent 100k
