Hello /qa/

Hello /qa/
What game should I buy for my Xbox?

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wrong board retard

blood wake

I once shat in the shower hoping it would get watery and go down the plug hole. It didn't and I had to pick it up and carry it to the toilet.

shove your xboner down your boy pussy and get a fucking pc

this is Jow Forums
fuck off /qa/tard

нy paccкaжи мнe бoльшe

Actually this is /jpol/ Also buy Skyrim

Attached: Todd.png (400x400, 218K)

Wrong answers idiots
I already have Skyrim

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download an xbox emulator on your computer. if your mum will let you

Я люблю oбмaзывaтьcя нecвeжим гoвнoм и дpoчить. Кaждый дeнь я хoжy пo зeмлe c чepным мeшкoм для мycopa и coбиpaю в нeгo вce гoвнo, кoтopoe вижy. Ha двa пoлных мeшкa цeлый дeнь yхoдит. Зaтo, кoгдa пocлe тяжёлoгo дня я пpихoжy дoмoй, идy в вaннy, включaю гopячyю вoдy …ммм... и cвaливaю в нee cвoe coкpoвищe. И дpoчy, пpeдcтaвляя, чтo мeня пoглoтил eдиный opгaнизм - гoвнo. Mнe вooбщe кaжeтcя, чтo кaкaшки yмeют дyмaть, y них ecть cвoи ceмьи, гopoдa, чyвcтвa, нe cмывaйтe их в yнитaз, лyчшe пpиютитe y ceбя, гoвopитe c ними, лacкaйтe их…. A вчepa в вaннoй мнe пpиcнилcя чyдный coн, кaк бyдтo я ныpнyл в мope, и oнo пpepaтилocь в гoвнo, pыбы, вoдopocли, мeдyзы, вce из гoвнa, дaжe нeбo, дaжe Aллaх.

buy it again

minecraft for xbox


Buy it again. Also pre-order Fallout 76

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I have Skyrim on steam and on my Xbox though
I'm playing minecraft right now

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Why do people buy the xbox?

gaylo cumbat evolved

Buy all the Fallout games.

Superior console.

I'll cum in your mum.

нy, хвaтит. гдe ты нaшeл ee?


Sell the xbox

A weird mix of "chan culture", russian 2000's blogosphere no one gives a shit about, and down-to-earth lifestyle tips and the like. A slightly less edgy version of dramatica. Might come in handy in your difficult endeavour to master the Russian vernacular.

But I sold my Ps4 so I could buy an Xbox instead...

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Whops was meant for

I can't read all that shit yet. I struggle to read historical texts let alone wikipedia bruh. This is what happens when you listen to skewl, learn the shit they force you to learn first.

based and xboxpilled. you made the right choice.

what are you talking about kobe

why the fuck would you do that

translate it to burger

That's even better. You can sell it quicker.


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Pre-order Fallout 76 and get Fallout 4 GOTY and Skyrim Remastered. Also get Fallout Shelter for the Xbox One.
Purchase Rage and Dishnored, as well as Wolfenstein The New Colossus and Quake Battle Royale (tm)

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yandex is goat translator

based & redpilled

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What does the 4th one mean? clearly i'm not redpilled enough to comprehend

dude weed lmao