Pathfinder/D&D Recruitment

Greetings bant!

I've traversed many planes of existence to be here and to extend this offer to you. Many whispers in the shadow plane tell me that this place may be the best location to recruit. Tales of great men and affluent adventurers permeate from this plane of existence. Because of this I've decided to manifest myself to all of you.
I've an epic quest I need completed in my world Bellum Otium which you could....well you could call me the owner. You see a great evil looms within the darkness outside of the vision of mortal men. I have gazed upon this evil and have taken my side along with the other deities to stop this evil before it can destroy our world. Though our power may be great we are not allowed to interfere too heavily in the affairs of mortals.
If you decide to join the outfit you will be taking the first step to solidifying your name in the annals of history. Bards will sing tales of you, scholars will boggle their minds over your journals and everyone will remember the great things you have done for the world.

[Well here it is bant your very own tabletop RPG thread. Here I'll be recruiting players to take part in a fun weekly thread to get out your dice, get out your paper and slay some shit. Every player will be required to make a sheet and send it to me on Discord via DM in order to play. Each Friday I'll post a recruitment thread like this one and every Saturday I'll post the play thread. This thread is for answering questions and helping new players understand how all this works. Below I've linked a private repository of the books for Pathfinder as well as the dice roller room Rolz (thanks 8ch!) we'll be using. We will be using the Pathfinder system throughout the entire game. This IS NOT an ERP thread and WILL NOT be treated as such. Look forward to seeing you all!]

Rolz: Otium
Password: niggerstonguemyanus
Discord: Jack Ripsker#3096

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Other urls found in this thread:

I come here to get away from /tg/

Cool then fuck off if you don't want to play.

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Welcome to Bellum Otium a fantasy medieval tabletop roleplaying world built using the Pathfinder RPG system. Together or alone you'll have the opportunity to slay monsters, create kingdoms or just make some music for people to listen to. Whatever you may choose your actions will directly influence the world and possibly other players. Magic is widespread and you'll find yourselves in a massively expansive world filled with endless possibilites. However not all is happiness and gold in Bellum Otium. Players will find themselves at the forefront of revolutions, epic quests and countless adventures. Adventurers with strong constitutions, strong roleplaying skills and a bit of luck will find themselves going far in this world. Before we can get started there's a few things I'll need to outline in hopes to get everyone on the same page. After reading this you should know everything you need to sit down and start slaying.
Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG that utilizes a complex system of rules to create a fair but fun fantasy world. We'll be using this system throughout the entirety of our play. Unlike with normal roleplay there's a few things that differ but the biggest is success vs. failure. Pathfinder does a very nice job at giving systems for everything from making friends to ruling an empire. This system relies on a multitude of things to determine success as like in life you can't always be good at everything right away. Many players may feel underpowered early on to find themselves become super human after only a couple sessions.
I encourage all players to read at least the Pathfinder Core Rulebook to the best of their ability as the more knowledge of these books you have the better. As well Pathfinder is compatible with Dungeons and Dragons Edition 3.5 meaning if you can find something in those books you like we can make it compatible.

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Here I'm going to outline 2 simple concepts that are necessary for every player to understand before anything else.
The first is who I am and what role I play in this grand scheme. I am the DM or Dungeon Master. For the ease of understanding you can consider me the host, the storyteller or even the game master if that helps you. My job is to create the world and explain everything that happens in the game from what actions the players take to creating encounters for the player characters to face. I'm directly responsible for lack of a better word "making everything happen". There is a larger part of my job that makes everything happen which is deciding what constitutes success and failure. To accomplish this I use a set of rules, dice rolls (more on this later) and just a little bit of imagination.
In short I'm GOD. I have the power to slay your character instantly with disease just as much as I do to let your failed roll squeek by to keep the story going. This is a concept not a lot understand but it's one that needs to be acknowledged at all times. The rules are up to interpretation by the DM but not the players. Unlike in normal roleplaying where players build off each other the DM's job is to build the interactions making them fun, interesting, balanced and fair to the best of their ability. DM has the final say on everything especially failure and the extent of the fallout of that failure. As your DM I have the ability to "fudge" rolls or "cheat" in order to keep things lively or to reel in players who are causing problems. Even though I have this ability it isn't my main position to be making things insanely easy or difficult for you as players. In the end though DM has final say on everything.

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The second is the hardest for even experienced players to handle. When players use their own real world knowledge and apply it to actions in game we call this "metagaming" or "metagame". Players are not allowed to apply knowledge they have personally to influence their characters in game. In short if your character wouldn't know it then they don't know it.
Example: "X knows Y has a health potion in his bag from viewing their character sheet IRL and asks their character for it as they're low on health. Y makes a bluff roll and succeeds to tell X he doesn't have one. X fails this roll but continues to pester Y saying he knows he has a potion even though his character wouldn't know this. "
What X has done here has detracted from the story and effectively sidelined it to argue with the DM over semantics of metagame. Just because you know something doesn't mean your character does. The most common situation is when a player steals from another player. Even though there's only so many people around and only 1 of them seems shady doesn't mean you can implicate them without evidence and sidestep their rolls just because you want your item back. You do have the power as a player in the game to force them to tell you but you have to deal with the consquences of your actions. Metagaming can cause serious problems in gameplay as it can make knowledge rolls obsolete and many characters rely on their vast amount of knowledges. Please try your best to not metagame and if brought to attention please acknowledge it so that we can move past it to have more fun.

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Now that we've got that all out of the way we can get into the most integral part of gameplay. The character sheet. Your sheet is a form of proofing or evidence of what your character is and what they can do. Everything that is your character should be easily outlined here. Filling in the sheet is a long and time consuming process but a very enjoyable one. If you play video games this should have a lot of familiar terms like skills, HP and special abilities. Each sheet is started with Ability Scores which are STR DEX etc. physical abilities which represent how strong or wise or charming your character is. Everything is done from the complex series of numbers on the sheet mixed with a personal amount of roleplaying. The sheet is not everything however. Poor roleplaying skills can land you in hot water like in jail or on trial for execution. It's good to remember that your sheet is for proofing. If your sheet doesn't say you can do something then you might not be able to roleplay your way out of it. However a well placed word and a little roleplay can get you out of a lot (see: bards).

Probably the most important part of a sheet is your class. Your class represents the training your character has undergone and how it has manifested. A wizard obviously has magic and the ability to dabble in the Arcane arts where as a Barbarian could care less about magic in favor of high amounts of damage. Each class is unique in its own way and comes with specific drawbacks. Rogues while being comprised mostly of skills won't be much help in a fight due to their low HP. When selecting your class be mindful of these drawbacks as they may take some strong roleplaying skills to overcome. There are so many classes across 2 printing sets that almost anyone can be appeased even if it takes time for their character to level up. Keep in mind your class does not define you unless you have an alignment requirement like monks and paladins. Just because you're a Goblin Barbarian doesn't mean you have to act like a complete savage killing everything you see and completely dumb because you're "illiterate". This also doesn't mean you don't have to be a stereotype. Your class defines your abilities and what you can do while you as the player control their personality and how they function.
Now there's been a lot of talk about race and I'm not talking about niggers either. We're talking elves and orcs and shit you know the fun stuff. Unlike in real life race is pretty cut and dry you're either human or something else. Each race comes with its own sets of pros and cons to be stacked with everything else or work against everything else on your sheet. There are tons of races to be found throughout all the books from the frog Grippli's to the demon blooded horned Tiefling's. Every player is encouraged to read the books or consult your DM on what race's are available to you and what you would like to play. Just as your class doesn't necessarily define you race doesn't either. Not all Orcs are big dumb hulking behemoths trying to eat babies and pillage.

With all this talk of things like Armor Class and alignment we haven't gotten in to the thing most players are wondering. HOW DO I SUCCEED?! Well [insert player name here] I'm going to tell you!
Every player should have a set of dice that can be found at any dice shop.
Players looking to build a set or wanting to be sure they're properly equipped before playing the breakdown of dice required is also below.
>2d10's (1 being 1d100 labeled 00-99)
Now to explain what all this means. Dice are used in place of things like post numbers to determine success or failure in conjunction with your sheet. The term 1d20 or 1d4 may not be easily recognizable but it translates to "one 20 sided dice" or 1dice20. A standard dice used in a casino or board game is 1d6. Make sense? Good! You're halfway home! Almost every roll except for damage and special abilities is done with 1d20. It's pretty huge for a die and pretty easily recognized so keep it close as it's really all you need. Percentile die are a set of 1d10's that when rolled together give a percentage. One of the die should have 0-9 where 0=10 and the other should be labeled 00-99 where 00=100. This all may seem like a bunch of mathy nerd shit but it will make sense in a moment.

Rolls are what happens when a player wants to do something or something is being done to them. If you want to pick someones pocket you have to roll to see if you succeed or fail. This is what can cause some online roleplayers to stumble and fall as what they had planned and what the dice roll decided don't always line up. Success is a combination of the dice roll and something on the sheet. IE everytime you roll you'll add a number from your sheet to meet a DC (difficulty challenge) which is a number you must meet or beat in order to succeed at the specific action. A 1 dice roll or "natural 1" is critical failure for almost anything. The dreaded 1 roll has sent many players to their dooms with everything from falling off cliffs to being impaled on your own weapon the cause of death for these poor characters. In contrast the 20 dice roll is a "natural 20" or critical success. These can be the turning roll your character needs to keep them alive. What was once a struggling battle can easily turn into a decapitated giant mothperson with a single throw of the die.
All players are encouraged when rolling a 1 or 20 of the die to alert the DM with some form of proofing to discourage cheating. Screenshots will be accepted for those without dice. Keep in mind this is encouraged but not required (DM:"I want to trust you")

At this point (if you made it) you should have a pretty fundamental understanding of how things work. You have to roleplay to get dice rolls and you need a sheet to roll with. Okay. Well now things get even more fun. Every character has a big long list of skills to choose from to put points into. This is what your character uses to help them do things. If you want to look for a person in a crowd you use perception if you want to know the value of a necklace you use appraise. Each skill has something it does that will be outlined in the description in the book. Every level players get so many points depending on their class to put into these skills. Note that these skills are mostly roleplay focused and not combat focused but they do overlap. There's many ways to put your skills to use in combat. You just have to get creative. As well many FEATS will have certain skill requirements. Skill checks are the result of a player taking some kind of action which require a roll against the skill checks DC (difficulty class) in which the player must meet or beat the DC of the check. However you may not always immediately know if you've failed. Sometimes a failed skill check can result in false information being given or even none at all.

To give an example of how this all ties together I've outlined the flow of play below.
>DM:[you enter into a dark room with no visible light]
>Player: "I take a moment to let my eyes adjust to the lack of light as my darkvision kicks in. (I'm an orc with Darkvision 60ft) Then I look around the room."
>DM: "Make a perception check."
>Player: rolls dice
>Player: I got a 22 (dice roll 10 + 12 ranks in perception)
>DM: [you notice what appears to be a crease in the bricking of the wall that may lead to a secret door]
>Player: "I inspect the wall to confirm the presence of a secret door. I'd like to push on the wall."
>DM: [as you move closer to inspect the wall you feel a breeze coming from the gap in the brick]
>DM:"roll a strength check to push on the wall"
>Player: rolls dice
>Player: "I got a 16 (dice roll 13 + STR mod +3)
>DM: [you manage to push the wall inward as it swings free on its center revolving behind you sealing your way out]

For the most part your DM will tell you what kind of check to make for whatever action you want to take. You can also take it into your own hands by declaring you wish to do something. If your character learns a bit of information about a Lich they didn't know until now you can declare yourself making a knowledge: Arcane check to find out a bit more. There's many ways this can give players the freedom to make checks at their own discretion. If you're unsure what kind of check you can make for a particular instance you can always ask your DM. If your're unsure if you can use disable device to jam a door ask the DM if you can make the said check. Usually if you're interpreting the abilities of the skill correctly you can do it.
Class also factors into skills as you have *Class skills an non-class skills. Just because a skill isn't a class skill doesn't mean you can't put points into it. You just can't put as many and don't get a bonus to them.
Pro tip: You can cross class to get more class skills and more abilities.

Alright so you know what a sheet is, you can roll dice and know how to use your skills to increase your rolls. So now you're probably wondering what's on everyone's mind. How do I kill shit? Well now that you have an understanding you can probably discern there's a roll and a skill you have to use right? You'd be half right. There's a whole other system for combat and things of this nature. For the most part you don't roll on skills for combat you roll on your Ability Scores (STR, DEX, CON, Etc.) but you have a lot of other things to help. Mainly you'll stick to the idea of STR for melee and DEX for ranged. Next to each ability score you have an "Ability Modifier". This is the number you use to add bonuses to skills and other things. Every character has at least 10 in one ability score (usually). This is the average anything above or below that is good or bad respectively. For every 2 points you have in an ability score you get a +1 modifier. Example: Wes has a 15 STR, the climb skill is STR based, Wes has 3 points in climb which is a class skill, he gets a +3 misc. modifier from being a class skill and his high STR score gives him a +2 ability modifier bonus. His combined climb skill is 8. He has 5 points above 10 for his strength which gives him a +2 STR mod. that gets added to skills that are STR based. Even though he's only 1 point away from 16 he doesn't get the +3 modifier until he gets 16 points."Well thanks DM for letting me know this as I can crank up some of my skills now but HOW DOES THIS HELP ME KILL SHIT?"-(you)
In addition to the skill modifier you gain from high ability scores with a high STR and DEX (or abilities that let you substitue the two) you also get combat advantages. As well as your ability scores you get something called a BAB or Base Attack Bonus.


Every class has it clearly outlined in their level chart and it should be properly outlined on your sheet. This number is added to your STR or DEX depending on the weapon you're using in order to determine success or failure. Your baseline for rolling on your sheet is the "attack bonus" you gain from the weapon you're using. The formula for calculating melee (swords, axes, etc.) looks like this: STR mod.+BAB+weapon modifier=attack bonus
The ranged formula looks like this: STR mod.+BAB+weapon modifier=attack bonus
Some weapons are enchanted and as such give a +1 or +10 or whatever to the attack bonus of the weapon.
Combat moves in turns starting with an INITIATIVE roll before combat breaks out. This roll sets up the pace for what players turns are when. There's multiple phases during a players turns which consist of free actions, swift actions, immediate actions, move actions, standard actions and full-round actions. Now I know they're a lot but they're pretty easy to understand. Players get one of each action in a turn unless they choose a full-round action which as the name implies takes the whole "round" (about 6 seconds depending on who you ask). The only exception is free-actions which are....well free. For the most part you don't have to worry about swift and immediate actions except an immediate action can be done anytime even when it's not your turn where as a swift action can only be done on your turn.
Free actions are things like dropping items, dropping to the ground and speaking. Things that require pretty much no time.

Thanks for the bump!

After initiative is calculated each player has an effective amount of ground they can cover and a certain number of attacks they can make. Usually low level players can only make one attack (dual wielders are exceptions to this). "Movement" is handled with a grid system where each square is 5ftx5ft. The typical player can move 30ft in one round meaning they can move up to 6 squares before they're out of movement. Certain actions like full retreats and runs can increase this by up to 10x. WOW! Refer to your class level table to find any adjustments for movement speed.
Players usually use their move action to close distance with the enemy then a standard action to make a single attack. Unless you have certain Feat's or special abilities you won't be able to move attack and then move again so be careful. Once you're in front of the enemy and already used all your movement as well as your actions you're taking damage.
Speaking of making and taking damage. Your AC or "Armor Class" is a representation of how well you dodge and how much armor you have. Many things like Armor Rating, DEX mod. and natural armor go into calculating your AC. Regardless of how high or low it is this is the number that all your enemies want to meet or beat. Each time you make an attack you're rolling to meet or beat your opponents AC. A successful attack means you get to do damage and NOTHING except for DR (damage reduction) will get them out of taking that damage. There's no dodge roll to move out of the way or a saving throw to mitigate damage. You beating their AC already proves they didn't dodge the attack and their armor did nothing for them.

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When calculating damage you add your STR mod to melee weapons. Ranged weapons don't get anything added unless the weapon specifies it. So lets say you have a dagger that does 1d4 of damage and you have a STR of 16 with a +3 modifier that means when you roll your damage you roll the 1d4 and then add 3 to the result. Simple right? Well it gets more complicated than that with CMD and CMB. These two scores are used for complex combative actions like grappling opponents, disarming them and faking them out (feint) that can't be properly calculated by normal means of combat. Your CMB is like your attack bonus in that you add it to your roll in order to beat your opponents CMD which is like their AC. If you meet or beat their CMD with your CMB roll you accomplish the action you were trying. Remember that these are complex maneuvars that may come with negatives (usually a -2) if tried untrained.
There's a lot that can go into this but you should have a pretty basic understanding now.
Lets look at an example of how combat is played out.

Here's an example using Wes.
>DM: [there are 3 goblins 30ft in front of you]
>Wes: "I pull out my axe using quickdraw"
>Wes: "Next I'll use my move action to move my full 30ft to the closest goblin without being flanked."
>Wes: "When I'm in position I'd like to use my swift action to pull a potion from my bandolier and drop it to the ground for my partner to pick up."
>Wes: "Finally I swing my axe at the goblin."
>Wes: rolls dice I got a 22 (BAB: 1 + STR mod: 2 + Dice: 19) Goblins AC: 14
>DM: "You hit roll damage"
>Wes: 6 points (1d6 dice: 4 + STR mod: 2)
>DM: [the goblin screeches out as your axe plunges into its neck it falls dead]
>DM: [the 2 goblins strike out at you]
>DM: "What is your AC?"
>Wes: "19"
>DM: rolls dice
>DM: "1 hit and 1 miss. Take 3 points of damage as a goblin dagger finds a gap in your armor"
[end of round]

[death and dismemberment]
Now as we all know the life of an adventurer or guard is not a safe one. You're bound to take hits here and there but what about death? Death is something that can stop a game up really fast and should not be taken lightly. Each character has a number of HP that represents health. "Duh? Why are you telling us this?" just because you're out of HP doesn't mean you're dead. At 0hp a player has fallen unconcious and is now bleeding out. They can only take as many negative points in damage as they have in their CON ability. So if you have a 14 CON you can go to -14 HP before dying. Other players can stabilize you to keep you at 0HP and keep you from death but they'll need to heal you to get you awake again. You can't take any actions when you're unconcious as you're at the mercy of the sleepy abyss. God forbid a character would die but if you're unlucky enough don't fret. Sometimes the cosmos have a bigger plan for your sould and maybe another character liked you enough to use a true resurrection spell on you (or get someone to do it for them) and bring you back. If nothing can be done and the character is lost the sheet will be terminated and a new character will be drawn up. In the event a character loses a limb're fucked kiddo. Dismemberment has many options for how to solve it from necromantic flesh graphs to magical healing. Keep this in mind.

If you've made it this far congratulations! You should now know everything but how to actually build a sheet which you will be guided through for your first time. Players who have this basic understanding once they have a sheet should be able to play. Anything that is unclear can be easily explained and most likely will be. Now that you understand the different turns in combat a lot of the jargon in the books should make more sense to you. The last thing I want to cover is magic and other gay shit like that. Look I'm not going to go into magic too much as it's a system that needs a player understanding. If anyone has questions on the magic system I'll gladly explain it publicly but for now I'm not touching it. The short version is you get so many spells per day and then you're out. Hope you have a sword!
The final steps for you as the player are probably the simplest of everything.
You get to figure out what you want to play! Do you want to be the sword and shield wielding fighter who wears heavy armor or do you want to be the all knowing Oracle haunted by her troubled past.
Whatever you may be you will have a chance to build them with help from your DM.
Lastly please be patient through the proccess as it is all quite a lot to take in but don't be intimidated. It's a lot simpler than it seems and you'll pick it up quickly. Now you'll have the opportunity to flesh everything out as below is the world you'll be coming into. Your homeland will be randomly generated as will your social status (unless you wish to come up with something more realistic). Nobody is going to come in the king or irredeemably poor unless fate decides it. If you wish to create a background based on your homeland and randomly generated social status more power to you. If you don't want to come up with a small back story then one will be created for you with plenty of openings.
All characters will start at LVL 1 with only 1 exception for the sake of story.


I pickpocket the innkeeper

Bellum Otium. A massive world of wonder and intrigue that has marveled the indigenous life there forever with it's massive ocean and huge floating islands. Life in Bellum Otium is diverse and plentiful as are the many biomes that makeup this world. Its floating islands the size of whole countries with their unique biomes attracts outsiders from all planes of existence. Scholars for centuries have pondered at how each island maintains a singular biome that doesn't appear to be influenced by weather or geographic location. These harsh conditions have not deterred creatures of all walks of life from settling down to create cities and homes. Bellum Otium has a past that is both mysterious and fantastical wrought with tales of love and treachery. Although the world is diverse seeing all walks of life sharing the same home it is not without its danger. 200 years ago the wizards discovered the secrets of written magic. This revelation caused a split in the guild of how to implement such raw power that could be activated with the utterance of only a few words. The divide was so intense it lead to a full scale war between the wizards. Year after year the two factions tore apart the once peaceful world to conscript races from all over to fight. Drow, gnomes and even halflings nobody was safe from the war. As the war continued so too did research into more efficient war machines. The dark wizards bent on using written magic to control the world lead by Sheogorath force the Gnomish people into slavery to build even better war machines. When the war reached its peak the island of Bellum Lacer was split in two from the devastation. The war ended on this day and the dark wizards were assumed destroyed as well.

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As a result from The Great Wizard War written magic was outlawed and the Gnomish people were declared extinct. This was not the end of the wonder this world would face as a new breed of people would emerge from the ashes and wreckage of a hastily made decision. The gods of this world were not pleased by what had transcribed and closed off their doors even tighter to their realms. All over the world people shuttered from the devastation caused by the war. Life would never be same but a new threat was on the horizon. A remnant from the war left dormant has reared its ugly head ready to exact the will of its wicked creator. This enemy would be unseen and unheard except in the cries of its victims. The world may not survive this change unless something is done....but who will answer the call?
Not how it works friendo. If you can't read then you can't play. No exceptions. This isn't a LARP thread like others nor is it a roll thread like we've seen before. It's a designated tabletop RPG thread.
>tl;dr fuck off

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/qst/ exists, and has in-built roll functions

And hell, /qst/ needs more activity

Yeah I know. This thread was requested and took a lot of work to get started. That's why I'm recruiting before we play.
It was made to give bant something to do instead of being gay and posting cirno.

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But then then do gay shit in game. If you that good.

>If you that good

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Be a spy or bard, that dose blue magic spell that ment too use aginst males....may make a sheet just for this. And it the best rase for it...elf...see too simple

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Or a come bender, or a witch that she look you in the eyes or you see her face you projectile vomit. But how would I even make that I don't think there spell like that or a race of class for something like that.

It's Pathfinder, there's a supplement for fuckin' everything

I don't think there's witch abilities like that. They're mostly hexes for people to take debuffs.
Right? Plus you can convert 3.5 to Pathfinder with very little effort.

But think about this hot bitch or guy but when you look at them all you can do is projectile vomit. Of You wakeing and this person walk pase you and you and a few other fell you comeing as the grander pull it for you cock.

But what class would i have too be to do eather one of thoese thing.

I'd recommend Bard. They have access to spells that can induce nausea, and telekinetic shit to bend cum around


I mind bard or that what i seem too love playing the most. I want too do a dragon fighter with a team mate so as i fight one i can play thing song as we fight


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Well, this is quite a bit to read, guess I'll be doing this for the next hour or so, thx normie


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When I play in a magic dependent Tabletop and the only class that I can play is a rogue/scout with hit&run tactics.
Also class only restricted into core rulebook or additional supplements like advanced rulebook etc?

As long as your class and/or race is in one of the books which he linked in the first post, you should be fine.
But you can always ask him about it if you want to.

Heading to bed. If this thread stays alive for 8 hours great.
Stefan has played and can answer most questions he's a pretty smart dood.
Goodnight all!

sleep tight fren :)

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>he's a pretty smart dood

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Moldova is a pretty dumb dude

I am the DM now >:^)

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I am a cleric of the highest order!

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You're pretty good at bumping stefan, keep it up



Holy wow this is still up!
Would love a cleric definitely the most underrated class.
AOE heals from channel positive energy makes me hot...
Glad to see you're going to join. Sorry for so much reading but it's a lot to cover.
*pats your head*
You did so good Stefan ^-^
Thanks for keeping this alive.

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Never played

That's okay. The main reason there's so much you read is that it gives you the shortest explanation of how everything works so you can just build a sheet and jump in.
Do you want to play?

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Welcome back!
More info is always better so it's fine
I'm thinking of making a tiefling thief

Erm, can I just watch first? I don’t wanna be a fag and mess up the whole game and have everyone explain every step to me. Maybe I can have a mentor on character building and a link to the build sheet or something?

Hey, do you want us to fill in character information on the .jpgs you posted? Last time I played I remember having some sort of text document my group was putting the information into.

A Norwegian after my own heart. Tieflings are my specialty and so are rogues. Easy build too. Go for it. Will definitely give my character someone to play with :3
Sure if that makes you more comfortable. Read the big long intro and you'll get most of it. You can also hit me up on discord and I'll walk through every step with you to help you build what you want.
No. Use this. I neglected to put this link there.
Form fillable pdf.
If you're on mobile it can't edit. Let me know if you're on mobile.

I sent an invite.

Yeah i thought they were really interesting when i first got to know what they were.
Really like their look and lore so i wanted play one.
>If you're on mobile it can't edit
I think if you're on mobile you just need to download the file and get an app that reads it.
You can get adobe acrobat for that, at least on android

They're definitely my favorite. In this world tiefling lore is spotted with turmoil and some people mistake them for Drow.
>Adobe acrobat
I've tried the app on my phone which is android but I can't get it to edit the pdf. If you can make it work more power to you!

Yeah it works on my tablet but it's a bit buggy, sometimes i would accidentally touch something i already edited and it would delete everything i wrote there for no reason.
Definitely better to just do it on computer if that's an option.

D&D .... really?

Shit that sucks. If you don't have access to a pc let me know on discord. I'll build it and send it to you for changes. That way you don't have to stress with the sheet on a mobile device.
Yup. Got a problem nerd?

Attached: scr02.jpg (640x480, 71K)

Nah don't worry, i can do it myself, i have a computer.
Just sometimes nice to do things like that while comfy in bed.

pic related is my character, scrotor the slippery. he’s a fucking dwarf from the small mining township of bungotungo hidden deep with the foundations of mt. manass
he excels as burrowing due to his long spindly ass fingers and overgrown funyun looking finger nails. when threatened he will burrow into the nearest warm, stinky orifice. this grants him +50 stealth and increases the effect of his special ability “cackle”, which damages the sanity of all characters in the vicinity, including himself

Attached: 9C310E36-5E79-4860-BBF5-6985FCAE2728.jpg (1616x1212, 576K)

good oc


fuck, i nearly died

I have never laughed harder.
Approved! Go wreak havoc.

Shameful self bump.



Alright y'all I'm getting lots of people sending me requests on discord and I can only keep up with so much.
If you're waiting for assistance be patient I will get to you.

Bumping this shit.
So far 2 sheets have been completed!
For those of you concerned with the Rolz room being temporarily closed use this for rolling stats.

Attached: 16500303-256-k373947.jpg (256x400, 8K)

Started working on my sheet

Awww yeah.
Inb4 town rapist is a rogue :^)
(You know what they say about rogues. They do it in the dark from behind.)


Last bump (probably)



good save


wow this is still up

My eyes just glazed over the last two sentences
It really says something when Normie has to leave a warning to the gayposters not to start in his thread

Attached: Hee.jpg (400x400, 25K)

When's the deadline to send in player sheets?

As long as the recruitment thread is still up and he is online on Discord, you can send the character sheet his way.

OK, thanks



Unsubscribed but give a shorter version of this


is recruiting on /tg/ forbidden? Not complaining, just curious.
Seems like you put a lot of work into these posts so I hope you succeed but idk if I could commit to it. Are you gonna post an AAR here?

>roughly 5000 words
was it autism?

Attached: 1479421061139s.png (250x250, 72K)


i want to die...


I can keep this thread bumped if you want.