Hello bant, how are you?

Hello bant, how are you?

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12 inches in your mum
not a very special day then

Got a headache and acid reflex, not a fun combo. How are you, fellow burg?

Pretty tired yet now I have a job. Seems good

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Nice. Any reason why?
Sorry for you bud, think it'll do away soon? I'm fine thanks for asking.
You enjoy the job?

18 what?

Not really, I just sort out garbage. But it's better than being a NEET.

It pay well at least?



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hows your day been

It's sunny outside

not bad. Yours?

What happened to the flower shop? I hope you didn't close it on account of my requests.

That reminds me I need to doodle up a new image for it, but i'm too lazy to get on mspaint and do it. Maybe i could draw something.

meh, i met my family today

how'd that go?

I'm gonna come up with a really good request for you bummy. Look forward to it.

oh joy...

as expected, havent seen them for a few years tho

Do you really not like them?

Where they happy to see you?
i'm just messing with you silly billy. It's fine.

i dont know.. maybe
dont care

hm. why?


why what


Why don't you care?

why should i
my siblings feel like cousins, they are like twice my age and have siblings near my age
never really grew up with them either

How interesting.

i meant, they have children near my age
i am the youngest

I understood what you meant. Humans are interesting ain't they.


had a few drinks, pardon me
i am an uncle to like 7 kids
been one since i was 4

drinking what?

Feeling depressed as usual

is this a faggot from hetalia?

>fast '''food''' designed to turn people fat consumerist degenerates who are addicted to high amounts of salt, sugar, and other cheap crap
Degenerates like you belong on a cross.

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Wow! That's pretty neat!
Sorry to hear that buddy. Want to chat about it?
Have turnip then.

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some wine, thats all i got
why chilebro
nah i dont think so

that sucks man
don't drink too much
wine gives you a shitty hangover

I could see why you don't, but I find it neat.

Turnips are a great alternative. Eat those from now on.

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yeah i fucking hate wine, this is somewhat drinkable though
but the "trick" is to drink more water than you drink alcohol, to avoid hangover at least from my experience
the stronger the alcohol the easier it is
basically grow up as an only child, but have weak memories of siblings

Don't worry. Come winter I will have grown so many it'll put the USSR to shame.
I see.

well it's not just that
I think wine is supposed to be sugary or something
sugary alcohol adds to the hangover because of, well, some reason I can't put into words right now

well shit, im gonna regret this arent i
cant be worse than last time i had a hangover

I'm quite fine. My plans for the Midsummer went down the drain thanks to weather, but I've been compensating by grilling bits of beef, chicken and fish and making grape mojitos.

I wanted to go to pic related but no didn't happen. Well maybe next week.

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whoa that looks very nice. if you do go take many picture!




>not green

Thanks! Hope the rest of your week is great.
Hey what's a great dish from Finland?

>Hello bant, how are you?
Hey I'm good! I'm out for fish and chips right now with some friends.

BTW did you listen to that song?

nevermind im retarded

Hope you're having fun.
Thanks for the reminded, listening to it right now.

>Hey what's a great dish from Finland?
Our traditional kitchen isn't exactly known World Wide :DDD

I guess the most culinary-wise appreciated, distinctively Finnish dishes are game and reindeer related.
Our wild forest berries and mushrooms are also imported everywhere (France, Italy, China, Japan, USA etc.) but never really advertised as products of Finland when applied in their kitchens. We don't really care about it either. :)

not really my cup of tea.
How interesting. Any meals that is exclusive to Finland?

Yeah it's alot of fun! I'm not really that engaged in the conversation atm though cus they are talking about a vacation that I won't be a part of.
What type of music do you like?

>Any meals that is exclusive to Finland?
Can't think of any, really.

I have an eclectic taste in music. I enjoy things which are upbeat mostly. I also like ragtime!

Nice friend, very upbeat. When listening to classic/ piano music I like a more melancholy feel.

shut the fuck up faggot
go to Jow Forums and grow balls u pussy nibba


Amei (you) on the left
Bumstead on the right

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I am both confused and rather amused.

prove it

was in a fantastic mood.

then i saw your thread. get fucked you pathetic piece of shit

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You're the based young grandmommy (because you were a huge slut back in your day. Got preggo young) who is gonna be making cookies this weekend.
Amei is the loser tranny who wears a flamboyant wig and looks like big bird.

says the canacuck

You with your friends

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You know i think I will try and make some this weekend.

It's ez pz lemon squeezey

I know it is. I enjoy the small amount of baking I've done.

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If you make them will you promise to tell me and maybe share a photo?

i am fine what are you up to gay friend

Don't worry I will.
Playing Vidya.

Which one

TF2. I enjoy the game a lot.

I forgive you for that. But only because we are friends.

Do you not like?

Nah. Really not a fan of the graphics or the brand of humor in the game.

Really? What's your type of game then?

snekman enjoy really girly games like sailor moon and power puff girls. Secretly he wishes he was a little girl.

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if i didn't know any better i'd think your danish.

You'll make fun of me....

Oh no

Balderdash I say! I most likely won't. So spill the beans.

Jeg kunne være på faerie Bumstead.
Oh yes. God I wish we were living in anime so I could do this to you every day.

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Er du?

I like open world games with lots of player interaction, some weaboo fighting games (namely Naruto cause im a nostalgia fag), Super Smash, etc.

Sounds fun to me. Don't know why you where so worried.

You are too nice and pure for this website.

rude dude on the other hand...

Based Naruto fan, if we weren't enimies then I'd be willing to talk to you for hours.. I also get hardcore nostalgia from Naruto.
B-but Frick you, you little girl!!!!!!
If I said yes would you believe me?

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It sucked once they made Pain dead. Should have stayed with the akatsuki


How kind of you to think so. I think this place is secretly very nice we just hide it from plain sight.
Probably not with out proof, but fun if true.
>B-but Frick you, you little girl!!!!!!
Howdy my dude. How do you do?

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What are you even talking about? Once pain died was when it got really good you stupid snek.

Madara vs the entire fucking shinobi villages. Especially when he first enters the war zone and stomps em all
Naruto learning kyubbi cloak
Sasuke and Naruto getting OPed
I could go on and on. Pain was a cool character though, one my favourite villains.