Why were people so happy in the 90's?

Why were people so happy in the 90's?

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I'm 42 this year, the 90's were great but i'm not going to tell you why

Go fuck yourself

No social media

Society was still holding together back then. The degeneracy was in full swing and perhaps even fatal at that point, but it was nothing like what we have now. There was still the remnants of a sense of community.

The Bush years are when total depravity and social collapse were rolled in.

Poor people stayed in poor areas

>didn’t have to compete on social media
>good vidya
>everyone talked to each other in person or on the phone not via tweet or text
>sports were ok I guess
>less drive thrus more home cooked meals
>gubberment man was beating the shit of black
>mom and pop stores where you can get truly customer service
>waitress were hot and actually did their jobs
>men were still men to some sort of degree I’d say about ‘95
>music wasn’t full degenerate yet
>and also these

Pic very related

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Good economy and pre 9/11

There was solid economic growth across the west. It was the same here. cheap shit from China was new and we hadn't seen the negative effects of that yet. That and nostalgia

87 here.

We have family home videos from back then and there was so many family events during the 1990s.

Even for just a birthday we would have like 40-50 people over. Now I don't even know where those people are, we only ever see them maybe once every few years, and if we do its just 1 on 1 or something, not in large groups.

Does this still happen in peoples families? IE: large gatherings for small events like a birthday?

For my birthdays from 1-18 pretty much had all cousins over, god parents (even the siblings godparents) all the aunties, all the uncles, all the grandparents, and family friends. In my early 20s-30 my birthdays have basically been just immediate family at the most, sometimes not even that.

It can't be about being too busy, because if anything these people were busier back then, raising multiple kids, still dragging them around everywhere even for the smallest of events.

I think people have just become lazy at socialising and only really do it with major events like weddings, no one really celebrates the small events. Or maybe I am just out of the loop and people still do this?

Also people don't realize this, but this country has had no real economic growth since 2004. The 90's were truly the final hurrah of white prosperity.

Native born Americans havnt seen job growth since 2001. In a net case, the job growth is from spics and poos.


People say a total collapse is 15-20-30 years out. I think its a lot sooner, primarily because things have been bad for a lot longer than even people here seem to realize.

>year after gulf war 2.0 begins


90's were great because we didn't fight in any real wars

Because you were a child.

I was in the KKK in 94. Best years of my life

Ecstasy was easily available at every club and bar

>1 post by this i.d

90's were great because of the insane bubble economy. Everybody had a meme job that paid more than they ever hoped to make. Cost of goods was still insanely low.

We paid for that fake prosperity two fold in the next decade.


no social media, no SJW, no middle east wars, no terrorism, no anti-white propaganda everywhere on TV, in games, etc. the economy was still good, etc.

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That's awesome!

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>we paid
CEO pay keeps going up and up. Meanwhile jobs go out, immigrants pour in, and real income stagnates.


cameras were rare and we were FORCED to smile for them or our food was withheld.

It was the beginning of yet another boom brought upon the world by the new computer industry and the early internet.
All of that ended when the .com bubble burst.
And then the EU decided to introduce the € which every employer as an excuse to cut wages in half while keeping the price of their goods the same.

and less poople of colors

I also knew David Duke on a personal level, havent seen him since 2001 though. If you want any stories im free to tell

no widespread use of internet and cellphones so people werent overloaded with social information


Normies lived a simple but mildly fulfilling life with little or no computer/internet usage. The socially awkward hung out online with other awkward people and had a good time doing so.

Had great time in 90's
It was less of a Nanny State. No political correctness. Still had to use common sense to get by. Social actually meant going out and meeting people

No smartphones, no social media, and no 24 hr news

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I work at a software company that started as a small business in the 80s and was bought out by a bigger tech company in 2010 to avoid going bankrupt after the recession. They are now modernising and reducing the massive staff numbers and offshoring, outsourcing and automating whatever is left.
There was a massive generational divide when I started a couple years ago before they started cutting the fat and reducing staff numbers. The workforce was literally 50% boomers and 45% late Gen-x (born late 60s/early 70s). Practically no Millenials under 30, though most of the Boomers and Gen X started with the company in their 20s and worked there for like 20+ years.
The company had bloated into a massive beast with 5 people doing the job of one person. Most of the time they would browse the internet and bitch and moan when asked to do anything work-related, and would drag their feet and do it as slowly as possible. Alot of them had meme jobs like "Customer Success Consultant" or "Principal Integration Analysis Consultant", on top of the hordes of HR/Payroll/Marketing drones and 5 Managers per team. Apparently it was even worse pre-2008 before the buyout, with even more pointless positions and getting given stock options, yearly non-target based bonuses, company credit cards and cars etc.

Most of them have been cut loose now, with the Boomers taking early retirement with their massive 20 year Severance package and the Gen X women becoming full-time housewives for their 1 kid and the Gen-X men going to work at some tech startup as a "Consultant" earning 50,000 - 70,000 a year. No Millenials can replace them as their jobs literally don't exist anymore, and the ones that do are either in cheaper foreign countries or have such a massive barrier of entry for the ones that do remain due to management's paranoia that they'll become un-fireable useless seat warmers like the Boomers were.

No leftists in the government.

We need 10 more years of Trump and the death of the left and we will be happy again.

9/11 destroyed American optimism, which in turn allowed for a flooding of sjws


You don't have kids yet. Kid birthdays are an excuse to get together and drink with your family while having at least a few moms around to control the children. As you got older so did your family. Old people dont/can't drink like they used to so the get togethers eventually fall to the wayside. When you have a kid the cycle will start anew.

Many parts of society were becoming enhanced by technology without it being so ubiquitous that it was turning people into zombies.

90's didn't have the same amount of Jewish subversion that we have nowadays

i think jewish corruption always been there.
thing is now with internet they can't control the information like they used to.

>We have family home videos from back then and there was so many family events during the 1990s.
>Even for just a birthday we would have like 40-50 people over. Now I don't even know where those people are, we only ever see them maybe once every few years, and if we do its just 1 on 1 or something, not in large groups.

Fuggg.... right in the feels Aussiebro
And I thought that I was the only one to have lived this in my childhood...

One of the things that I miss a lot is the tournaments that we were doing during the birthday parties : there was always someone who brought his Playstation, another one a couple of controllers, and then we were something like 20-30 childrens playing Tekken or trying to beat the hard levels at Crash Bandicoot...

Je sais pas....

Sure that the world Jewry was already active in the 90's, but it was not as blatant and obvious as nowadays : pornography and race-mixing were not everywhere, there was no promotion of the homosexuality, the white men was not the devil and so on...

This is a LARP. Pics of you and David or user is a faggot

I hadn't realised this, but you are right. I asked my partner and the same, used to have regular big family gatherings. It’s like facebook etc. has removed the pull we used to have to see our families. It's like continuous small underbrush fires than prevent the full forest fire of a mass gathering.

They shopped therefore they were.

With the exception of groceries, I wouldn't automatically go out shopping either anymore. Even when we visit clothing stores much of the time it’s to try a size or see a style and then order it online.

I used to find these things tedious, so I assume this is just nostalgia, the ‘90s couldn’t have been that good.

Though when I look back at how I would never be able to dream of safely visiting the places I wanted to back then, but thought "wait until retirement when you can do it in style" it does bring a tear to the eye.

Ignorance is bliss.

50-80 family come to our thanksgiving, which just recently switched to my house. groovy.

The country was coming out of a huge financial crisis started by old bush, Clinton, and little bush... late 90s it started picking back up

You’re pic basically explains it.

I was miserable in the 90's.

1933-1944 was the only good time in history

soviet union fall apart they thought future will be bright and safe

With tech like this, we weren't in update hell. There was pressure to not just go half-in on every update.

Because no internet.

>t. le beady eyes Oswald

87 years old? How is your eyesight

No one comes over for birthdays in my family. Only Christmas and weddings is where you see everyone.

People have become lazy at socialising because of technology.

Post pic of yard

Fewer minorities, less degeneracy.

Because it's a mix of rose-tinted sunglasses and the perception of deterioration of values that we hold dear. '90s were full of all kinds of things that people had on their minds, such as social unrest in events like the LA riots, WACO siege, Oklahoma City Bombing, OJ trial. At the same time, media and means of communicating with like-minded people have increased in excess. It's easier than ever to connect with like-minded people, no matter how outlandish your beliefs are. This is why some of the leftist beliefs are accelerating in hyperbole and penetration in everyday life at a breakneck speed.

>Why were people so happy in the 90's?
Cold War was over. War on muslim terrorists yet to begin. The 90's was a nice little breather.


>No social media
>Jobs weren't being shipped to China
>illegal immigrants weren't taking jobs
>Low taxes
>Less promiscuous people.
>No social justice warriors
>Little political correctness.
>No muslims killing everyone.
>Low amount of Jewish brainwashing
>Less non-whites ruining the lives of everyone around them.




> fuck you bant

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>The Bush years are when total depravity and social collapse were rolled in.
It was during the Clinton years that our country hit the slippery slope.
Fucking president on the United States murdering kids in Waco and smoking pussy flavored cigars.

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check this song

no internet
smaller population

Oh my god, I wish I was old enough to remember I time where I could buy vaporwave

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dial-up BBS, LAN parties, early dial-up text-based internet protocols were havens completely free from cancerous normies. IRC was actually great back then, not just a bunch of kids LARPing

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