New Gorillaz album leak

Enjoy it fellas

Attached: yee haw.png (597x263, 20K)

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they miss spelled soul eye


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who cares it's free music

based canadian spotting the misspell

what music isnt free?

normally you would have to pay shit-tons to get leaked albums but i'm doing you all a favor by letting Jow Forums have it for free

>imagine caring for Gorillaz in 2018

did you pay a shit ton of money to get this leaked album?


go fuck yourself

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Thanks for the effort but I would highly doubt supplying Jow Forums with any taste in music would cause WW3. I only listen to nightcore

please look at


i wouldn't listen to the gorillaz if you paid me

how much and from where did you buy it?


150$ and why the fuck would i tell you where i got it from


or maybe not depends how much will you pay me

Who cares?

the gorillaz fucking SUCK

people who like listening to music

why not?

you call gorillaz music?

top lel

whats so bad about music that's about depression, isn't that what you guys listen to anyway?


yes but the difference is that the music i listen to is good

we dont hate it because its about depression, we hate it because its gorillaz

epic rekt

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i ment nightcore music that's about depression

i actually had to google what nightcore is

chinese music fucking sucks ass and blows dick

>zoob id

Quads confirm the truth.

>who cares it's free music
I can always download free music on Rutracker.
So, fuck off with your gorillaz

whats so bad about the gorlliaz that everyone in this thread has to keep telling me about it

so nightcore is basically about taking a catchy song and making it 2x faster, changing the voices a little bit and adding a catch beat

wow music is wonderful


>user on Jow Forums
>not knowing what nightcore is

Mój jest ten kawałek podłogi

literally not caring about shitty music


its bad because its the gorillaz

Polaks really use this tracker?

google translate fucking sucks apparently he said "Mine is this piece of floor"

Jow Forums is just contrarian try /b/

schabowe z ziemniakami popijane wódka


thats a correct translation

hmm, not bad

i really really like this

Damn, I actually never comprehended people not liking gorillaz. This is a new concept for me, not even joking.

I be fair I like Humility but not a fan of their other music. It's too 'edgygirlwhowearstoomuchmascara' core, like shoeonhead

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whats to comprehend lol?

hahaha imagine being this retard hahaha fuckin lmao

Is it any good? Their last one was dogshit trash.

I'd rather listen to actual gorillas beating the shit out of overpriced instruments

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