What THE FUCK is a neanderthal?

so you're telling me this was a proto-european?

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Only Jow Forums believes in that bullshit, OP

this is what wh*Toid apes are descended from

the only race that isn't related to neaderthals is sub saharan african and they have the second lowest average IQ of any race (aboriginal australians being lower i think)
it can be deduced that neanderthal genes are what make people smart

t. subhuman wh*Toid
refer to this post where MEXICO btfo'd you!!

This could well be responsible for some of the differences but is inadequate in explaining all of them. The statement "it can be deduced that neanderthal genes are what make people smart" is a mass oversimplification. We were smarter than neanderthals, particularly in the language department and at organising. They did have bigger brains however and it is very possible that small amounts of neanderthal admixture is beneficial when combined with a majority AMH base

i also heard that neanderthals were all autistic

so are white people crypto-autists?

it kind of makes sense

they obviously weren't as smart as us from an academic standpoint but it's speculated they had more capability for abstract thought which may be what
is referring to
which would probably help a bit with one's ability to branch out in the world rather than living off the land for thousands of years and never accomplishing anything

Hold up, so you be sayin

We wuz individualz and sheit?

neaderthals were genocided by the wh*tes


Modern Europeans are like 5 percent Neanderthal admixture or something. Also apparently human men and female Neanderthals couldn't produce fertile offspring, so all the Neanderthal admixture in modern humans is from breeding between male Neanderthals and human women (most likely rape).
Neanderthals didn't even have a true language in all likelihood. Their large cranium doesn't mean jack. They still failed to resist their replacement/extinction by modern humans.

what does that have to do with anything i said

Well, it seems about as relevant to what you said as you impulsively spluttering your Stormcunt autism on a thread the moment you see the word Neanderthal.

does the alt-right boogeyman live in your head rent free at all hours of the day

>Literally making classic Jow Forums comment is the first thing he does on the thread.
>Surprised that people are unhappy with it.

damn sorry i didn't know facts and speculation based on facts were inherently right wing extremist things
sorry for the misunderstanding i won't do it again

who are you quoting btw

>It is okay to be racist because muh look at my facts and stats

do you think i have prejudice or hate toward black people or something

The larger brain size was for heat conservation


I don't see any evidence for why neanderthals would have greater abstract thought

That looks like a white Blackman.

idk look it up dude lol

