I hate liberals

I hate liberals

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same now go back to

literally the most redpilled thread on this board. BASED

I know, rite? I love it when all of the benefits of increased production got to the wealthy and corrupt.

Me too.

I hate people who arent't willing to respect other people's thought systems and principles, no exceptions. This includes conservatives, liberals, leftists, moral pragmatists, etc.

this but unironically

mfw all you sheltered NEETs get out of the basement and try to pay the rent on your shitty warehouse jobs.

You'll probably still be ranting about liberals and blue-haired chicks on Tumblr while the corporatists who bought off your governments and gutted worker and consumer protections are going in dry.

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Blue and pink hair never used to be a thing in society.

I would tell you to go back but not yet


having political opinions is fine on r/banter it's just that we don't taok about them is all. We're a radcen board after all :^)

They are useful idiots, tho.

give me my daily dose of libtard trolling epic style

It's only kool If it's not Jow Forums related.

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>politics is only OK if I agree with it

I hate all of the edgy faggots on Jow Forums and I don’t know why I come here except that /gif/ is pretty good.

Twenty years ago, you would have been Marilyn Manson fanbois instead of Trumpets.





here is Jow Forums in a nuthsell

heyl ibtard
how many female president would u need to fix a lightbulb
trick question, there are none

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Liberalism is white genocide