Why are you still single /pol?

Why are you still single /pol?

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Live in a liberal area. Can't date them.

>not politics related
>slide thread
sage faggot

>being single or attached
>not political

pick one you fucking IQ 70 mongoloid

If I successfully aspire to be Christ-like, then the Bride of Christ, the Holy Catholic Church, she will also be my bride and therefore G.F.

MGTOW for life!

This is how I got banned

All modern women are whores and I refuse to date a whore.

Their own shitty attitude

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unfortunately i have come to this realization as well.

society doesn't have the proper incentives in place to prevent women from becoming unbridled whores.

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hey mexibro, i know mexican women well
they are all whores too lol

Dating is degenerate

Im not single because I didn't fall for 4chang incel memes about whitegirls, who despite all the propaganda aimed at them, racemix less than everyone else (including whiteguys)
My tall blonde gf with nice tits is very hot and makes me very happy when I'm with her

You all are just fat incel neckbeards
No woman wants that

To get the fresh non roastie pussy you have to become liberals


She was crazy so i dumped her.
She had anger issues so I dumped her.
She was a slut so I dumped her.
She had a foul mouth in public so I dumped her.
She was odd so I dumped her.
She got pregnant by another guy so I dumped her.
She turned her back on me when I needed her so I dumped her.
She wasn't very bright so I dumped her.
She was unstable so I dumped her.

Which one was I supposed to marry?

well after that one tough high school break-up you should have obviously gotten back up on the horse

I'm trying not to be. Had a tinder date Saturday, it went really really well but she texted me yesterday and said I'm too right wing. I just moved to a new city and am having pretty good luck on tinder. I'm also going to a church young adult group this week. I rather meet a qt there.

Not to make excuses, but i never really had any good models for how to properly attract women. My parents are still together, but my mom was always the dominate one by far, my father is pretty beta. I try not to be, but I inherited a lot of that. I never really had any other good models for relationships. I'm 22 and I've had one long distance relationship for a year, other than that nothing longer than a month. I'm slightly overweight(190, 5'11"), but I'm not horribly ugly, pretty average.

>He was too picky, so I dumped him.
You know that love implies accepting also the bad traits pf your partner?
Don't be a hypocrit, you have your flaws too, as anyone else.

I've given up on finding a good woman.

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Not a Chad, so any interaction with women is technically rape.

because this board is full of ugly subhumans with worthless genes

just imagine if they looked like the tattooed guy

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How ? Whats wrong with dating woman in so called "liberal area" ?

Because I’m a gentleman gamer.

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None of the women I like want to have coffee with me. And there is NO WAY I’m going to have coffee with any of the women I don’t like, as they are ugly and out-of-shape. When the time is right, I will get an East Asian and be done with it.

Unattractive and I don't socialize much. Made the switch to 2D.

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>you just needed to man up user
>you just need to find the right one user
>you just need to hit the gym

don't forget to let mr. goldberg know that you are divorcing in 10 years after you are done paying the mortgage for that house too.

I'm not OP. I have a beautiful Christian traditional girl

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because the spiritual elite have degraded human consciousness and made hell into a place more fitting of its name where relationships are more likely to contract misery than joy. they are at war with the flesh and seek in this way to destroy it.

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user, women have different tastes. Don't think about how people will percieve, it doesn't matter if they think about you as alpha or beta. If you think you have flaws, fix them. But dont try to be a whole differnt person, because there is for each one of us the right woman to ne found (personality wise).

Consider this: You probably want to be loved by your woman. But how can she love you for who you are, if you put a mask on in the first place and behave differently than you normaly would just to impress her? She would love your acted personality, not your true self. This would cause more problems than you would want.