What is wrong with veganism, Jow Forums?

what is wrong with veganism, Jow Forums?

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their supporters are annoying

Nothing but if you want to force it on people I'll fucking eat you

It's unhealthy and doesn't help any of the animals people go vegan for.

its redpilled and healthy. the fatties that judge it on here just cannot give up their mcdonalds.

>It's unhealthy
>its redpilled and healthy

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If you go vegetarian over subsequent generations you have an increased risk of cancer.

It isn't healthy.

McDonalds obviously isn't healthy, the worst thing about a Burger isn't the meat, assuming it's not overly processed, it's the bun.

It exposes the moral inconsistency of most people towards animals and that makes them unconformable.

Everything about veganism is cancer. Starting from the moral superiority that a vegan feels because they read some other vegans blog, and thus, are more informed than the meat eating tards who can’t into da wei. Then advocating an individual eat a shit ton of calorie/protein deficient cellulose water because animals feel pain. Yeah animals feel pain, WE are animals who feel pain and a face of that pain is called hunger. I’m not going to go out and harvest 500 different ingredients from around the entire fucking world to then have to cook them in a precise way so I can make “vegan street tacos” or “vegan pizza” or “vegan fajitas.” I don’t have time for that shit and no normal person does either.

By the way, I realize that you may be wondering what a “shit ton” is exactly in terms of measure. And for that I have to say thank God we are talking about veganism right now, just because it’s the perfect example. You see, a shit ton is equivalent to approximately three ass loads. This is because if you’re on a straight vegan diet, you will have to consume so much material from the kingdom plantae, that the plants will execute their holy revenge upon you by making you spend roughly 120% more time in the shitter due to your over indulgence of the ruffage.

Now you may think I’m just being gaseous about this whole thing. Well your wrong...mostly because you’re going to be gas...gas propelled that is. Yup, you might as well invest in a new pair of ultra lubricated rollerblades because the amount, rate, and velocity by which your kiester is expelling the byproducts of your choice of fuel out your preverbal muffler is going to be similar to a boing 747. There won’t be a need for a car or public transportation because you’re gonna be blessing the whole world and the sweet innocent animals with your gifts of crop dusting their personal private space every time they are in your vicinity.

Bon Appetite faggot.

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It's so leftist that it preaches equal rights to A DIFFERENT FUCKING SPECIES.

Nothing, really. I just like eating other animals! If you want to be vegan, go for it. Just made a roast beef sandwich for work. Don't think I could be a happy man without roast beef.

Its a retarded belief.. Life feeds on life, this is the rule of the universe.

nothing vegans have more testosterone than meat eaters fact

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You can't stress that enough. Vegans stay reminding people they're vegan ad nauseam. It's like a cult or something, perseverate veganism. Could be all the pesticides buildup in the body that makes them deranged.

You need animals fats for healthy cellular production, hormone production, immunity cell production, and brain health.

Most body/brain repair happens when you sleep. When you sleep, your hormones are very active and your body repairs damaged cells much moreso than when you're awake. One who consumes animal fats has all the proteins and fats they need for this repair process. A vegan's body struggles all day to combine complimentary proteins, and the healthy fat just isn't there at all. Their hormonal systems, immune systems, bones, joints, muscles, and brains are slowly being worn down to the point that a lot of them end up sickly, depressed, decrepit, and insane.

Obviously, don't overdo animal product consumption like many people do. Saturated fats are indeed very healthy, but too much can clog your arteries. Animal foods are also very calorically dense, so if you eat a lot over your needed daily intake you'll get fatter over time. Like many things, good in moderation.

the ones that want to kill you because they are against killing

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Eating plants as the majority (let alone entirety) of your diet is unnatural, but has become the norm for most people simply because agriculture allows for a shitload of bread and veggies to be grown cheap and fast.
Humans have been primarily carnivores (with fruits on the side) for hundreds of thousands of years, but only in the past century have we gone to an overwhelming plant based diet. Countless new health issues have popped up since agriculture's massive industrialization.

Vegans and vegetarians are outright militant in their hatred of meat. They are fooled and as radicalized as a religious sect. Their bodies waste away, they are some of the most medicated people in the world, the processes to produce a vegan only diet is destructive and harms animals far more than actually killing&eating&using every body part of the animal for something productive.

Eat more meat. And not any of that processed shit that's been dunked in vegetable oil.

as a neutral in this, I don't know who is more annoying, vegans or the meat eaters who constantly complain about how annoying the basically non-existant vegans are.

starting to think it's all the meat eaters who whine about vegans.

Humans made to hunt (maybe I don't know actually).

longest living people on the planet eat mostly plants are you saying that wallmart mutts are heathier than them?

besides second longest living dog was vegan was that dog unheathy too?

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>primarily carnivores for hundreds of thousands of years

bitch we were mostly vegans for 100 million years. what diet do you think your body is more adapted to?

*citation needed*

Top of the food chain!

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vegans can do photosynthesis after awhile
y'all niggas dont even know

Wimps fear that if they refuse to hurt animals then somebody might make fun of them, even going so far as to call them "unmanly," whatever that means. The humiliation would be too great to bear. They fail to see the irony.

it depends on the type of the vegan, if they want to be vegan i support it, i think the only type of vegans that is wrong is the type that comes up to you while you are eating a burger and tells you that you are a murderer

The fact that you know what that is and how to spell it tells me and everyone else here that you are not black.

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

>29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

Our original diet was plant based.
flesh-eating is derivative of the fall.

McDonald's isn't healthy, canned food isn't healthy. in my opinion let them do what they want as long as they don't force you to do it too

>let them do what they want as long as they don't force you to do it too
Yes, but vegans believe that everyone should be like them. They force themselves upon other.


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You're telling me you wouldn't eat this bad boy, deep fried with some bleu cheese dressing?

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Nothing if you get enough DHA, Omega 3, and protein.

my gf is vegetarian. She doesn't force me to be like her, but every now and here she have to "remind me" that meat is unhealthy and that chickens/cows/etc suffer a lot. bla bla bla, and how she read in a blog an man that got cured from cancer by becoming a vegan.

Also almost all vegans I know always come with "look at this video of how they make chicken nuggets, it's brutal"

I'm almost paleo outside of some dairy that you have to have. Sardines>Veganism