Why is it so hard to get my pp touched

why is it so hard to get my pp touched..

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Because women are the most shallow gender and they only want Chad. Not you.

You probably don't even talk to women ever, or do social stuff.
lol u never had sex

I have, but I havent gotten laid in 7 years (since Tinder came out and with it instant access to Chad).

Believing in Chad speaks to your self esteem issues.

Two of my IRL "friends" are literal Chads. one of them told me a story where he was bragging about hooking up with a girl who had a bf at a bar, she brought him (Chad) back home (along with a couple military guys for her friends), and her bf showed up. Him and the .mil guys instigated shit and got the bf to rage out and then they called the cops and arrested the bf so Chad and the .mil guys could have a fuckfest with the girl and her friends.

the next morning the girl with the bf bought Chad breakfast and morning drinks.

but chad doesn't real am I right fellow enlightened redditor

your silence is deafening, buddy.
>pic related
>women will literally sleep with child rapists if they're Chad

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Than BE the chad.

You don't go outside and when you do you don't like to talk to people.

Not everyone can be Chad. You're either just tossing out hollow platitudes to make yourself feel better/smart or you're genuinely deluded and misinformed as to how things work in 2018 weimerica's "dating scene".

Or OP does like to talk to people but they dont like to talk to him because he's not Chad

There are no Chads or alphas.

Factually incorrect. You're deluded or you're a Chad doing Chadamage Control

Well, you’re not going to get laid by sitting on your ass all day, are ya?

Even if I "get active" and "self improve", I'm not "good enough" for ANY (read: A N Y) woman. Because I'm not Chad. Because Chad is Chad from birth.

Do you conveniently forget genetics exist or is that because you're a 19 year old who works at Burger King?

How many pussies have you touched this year?
How many times did you go outside?
I'll bet you there's a correlation.

I've "gone outside" more than 100 times this year. I take my grandma to her fucking doctors appointments and take her grocery shopping, you deluded child.

That doesn't make me "Chad", because Chad tells his grandparents to fuck off because they get in the way of him going to EDC or some other degenfest

>I've "gone outside"
The fact you had to do that means you don't go outside.
To get pp touch you need to go outside AND have fun. Doesn't matter what you find fun there's somewhere you can do it with others.
Once you start hanging around like minded people of the opposite gender regularly it's pretty easy.
Only beta incels complain about not getting laid because muh roasties.

So you didn't read any of my post(s) at all. You must really be dedicated to this Chadamage control.

Also I never said "roasties"


I guess I should just tell my grandma to go fuck off and start going to raves and party houses every day

Of course I didn't read it.
You're just bitching about not getting laid when you do nothing.

Ok so I guess I should tell my grandma to fuck off and suffer by herself. That is pretty Chadlike behavior, actually

excellent thread.

thanks I acknowledge that I'm only on this earth to suffer so everyone else can feel better about themselves and tell themselves "shit at least im not as bad off as that guy"


>grandma is wht I can't get laid
If you want pp touch you gotta make time. Spend more time outside having fun and less time arguing with anons online.
What's your next excuse your looks?
You don't have the time?
There's no excuse. Even a fat girl would take you but you want a deluded image of your perfect woman to just plop on your lap.
Get real.

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because you have no hands

Except I didn't blame it on my grandma? Wow you really are an illiterate aren't you

Also when did I say I want a "deluded image of a perfect woman"? stop copying my words and come up with some original insults, fagbush

>I could fuck a fat lonely girl but I won't I'd rather piss and moan about it
That's you.

this is op

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Except even "fat lonely girls" still look at me with contempt. I'd tell you why, but you're already making logical fallacies about it.

ok you are right