Is there proof of aliens existing?

Is there proof of aliens existing?

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Other urls found in this thread: TAC UFO EXECUTIVE REPORT_1526682843046_42960218_ver1.0.pdf

Ur mom


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>space is fake

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Your mom

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Why are you so retarded?

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Fucking space drive-bys I knew this was a bad intergalactic neighborhood.

Is this human? Maybe the evidence you seek

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God damn reptillians always snatchin up our grey xirs

We already sold you earth, we dont care about your 4th dimensional "dick"

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right here

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Igor & Grishka


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Holy fuck. Got the 1488..... MUST WATCH 2018

Moses, jesus and mohamed were all aliens

those digits, it better not be a shitpost

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I saw this transparent bubble from the balcony with my friend, and his father's girlfriend whom I did not know before that day. The bubble seemed like a normal soap bubble at first, it appeared in the middle of the street at the height of around 4 meters. It was just 3 of us looking at it in the entire city block. The three of us were staring at it, with the conversation transitioning to it. Then my friend asked "why is that bubble not popping?" It was huge, around 2 meters in diameter and did not have wind deformations as a normal soap bubble would. It started to the right of us, then slowly moved in front of us, then 2 lights that in the beginning seemed to be the reflections from the sun (you can see a disc at the center going horizontally across the circumference turned brighter, and, I dont know how to describe it... It rose above building and I'm not sure if it, shrunk and immediately disapeared kind of like going into a wormhole or just accelerated at a high amount of speed ut of sight. It all happened so quick and i we could not believe what we'd just seen, I did not take a picture of it but someone else did.
Foscari , [14.05.17 22:11]
Maybe those things cross spacetime i dont know
When the lights appeared my friends friend said "is that a drone??" "No it cant be" we said, because it was a fucking bubble
We ran back in and searched on twitter if someone else had seen it, bingo. Someone had taken a pic of it from far away

I have found these images online of other people that have seen the same thing, but there are not many pictures of the "bubble craft" online.

Why is you human using your 2nd organic grasping tool to grasp the other humans organic baby tool.

Those no ships, that human arms! Hahaha

Silly people you xirs are, love watch you guys from Planet X. May one day organic piglet xirs grow to our kind, at now you guise our baby piglets we made by accident when we dump our waste off our Starship! Hhaha

Waste piglets!! Dumb xirs!!!

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Yes but you'll have to search deep, inside your mother's ass

Come home white man

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>we will go to another planet and create life.

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You know what... When I was in school (age 14) I was very depressed. Having a very very bad day. I skipped class to just walk around and listen to music and clear my head. It was about 10am in the start of fall. While I was walking, I came across a bubble just like this. There were no people around anywhere. It was an area with fields and few houses. There were no people, I made sure to look. I followed the bubble for about 10 min. Then it just vanished, just like that. I will never forget that for some reason. Interesting.

Not going to happen.
The hope of space dies with the white race.

Can you fucking believe that there are still places on this planet that haven't even discovered FIRE!? There are places that are using stone tools and shit!? What in the actual fuck is that shit? And people say that we are all = as humans... Ffs these low IQ fucks cant even cook their food!
Hmm I wonder what race they are? Oh would you look at that.... Hmmmm

We've never detected intelligent alien life, not even radio signals or radiation that could indicate the existence of such a civilization. And don't get me started on aliens on Earth - since it's not possible to go faster than light I seriously doubt any alien race has visited us.


east, west and south asians**

Why thank you my chinga chong newfriend. Also, I trade alot with China. My god.... You guys are worse than the jews when it comes to $$.... If you fuck up my $17,000 order and do it all wrong, its my fault and the money is lost.. Never is it your fault.... FUCK


Astronaut Gordon Cooper in 1959 saw a disc shaped craft land on the dry salt bed, inside Edward's airforce base.
He was told never to talk about it again.
People get excited by this.
However it was likely an advanced military test flight.
Infact all UFOs are really just advanced military test craft.
From 1998 to 2015 the US cannot account for $21trillion!
That is a huge budget for developing advanced private military aircraft.

This may sound crazy, but the last Nazi alive, the famous rocket scientist Von Braun told his office manager Dr Carol Rosin, that the Zionist's plan was to use a fake alien invasion threat to unite the world into a global government.
There are reports and testimonies UFOs shutting dow nuclear sites; i think this is consistent with military aircraft
faking an alien invasion threat and preventing countries
from resorting to using their weapons of last resort.
Either Von Braun lost his marbles or what he said has a ring of truth to it.
Im not too sure and we can never rely on people's words who claim to have heard him say this.

Of the UFOs that cannot be identified, they are nearly always military aircraft
they consistent with:
>the latest military technology.
>the latest design shapes
>the latest manuverabilty thanks to being pilotless
>Never fire weapons
>always seen near military airbases or Naval vessels at sea.

I believe the disc shaped crafts seen in the 50s were either a lenticular missile like the pye wacket; or the a US firm managed to fly a disc shaped craft, unlike the canadian firm behind the Avrocar which was a failure.

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Ancient humans Create amazing art and sculptures amazing construction , but, completely lack perspective SO there were NO giant aylmaos (like in pic) .
Yup thats it.

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That is basically what most of the credible people actually think is going on. The Cia or some other three letter agency came up with the UFO hoax when some of their pet prototypes crashed in Roswell in 47'.
There are no fucking aliens visiting earth yet, but the fact that weirdos and conspiritards believe it helps the DARPA and the military industrial complex greatly.

You test some ramshackle new prototype, people see it. Suddenly everyone thinks its aliens, despite it being testpilot bob doing his usual tests. I guess the foreign agencies who know about that hoax are probably laughing their ass off. I imagine the soviets probably thought in cold war, that the whole UFO thing was either the most retarded thing that the americans came up with or a brilliant strategy made up by the CIA.

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Kill yourself kretynie

I drank a gallon of Orange Juice today.

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Yes, as much proof as for earth being flat.

>It's quite funny actually

that's about all, peace out.

>That is basically what most of the credible people actually think is going on.
I did not arrive at this position over night.
I was true believer.
It took me years of research into every strong UFO case to realize this.
Then of course examining all the so called 'ancient alien' artifacts
and art in antiquity and renaissance.
These are all either complete mis-interpretations, religious or cultural iconography.
Some UFO researchers are plainly dis-ingenious and misrepresent artifacts to suit their theories.

In my personal beliefs, this is without evidence to support it; I leave the door open that maybe there was one alien UFO that crashed on earth and we did reverse engineer it.
But there was only one.
Never was there hundreds coming here.

You mention DARPA.
They recently tested their HTV Falcon drone craft.
It's triangle shaped and travelled at Mach 22 in it's last test flight!

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Fuckin MODS.. You watch some nasty sick porn if you want to ban me for pol3 on this for PORN?!!?!? SICK FAGGOT MODS

There is a a twisted theory in a new Roswell book (they offer no evidence to support it of course) that says Roswell wasnt a Project Mogal cover up.

Of course Project Mogul was very advanced and by saying weather balloons implies it was taking the wind speed, when really they were detecting nuclear explosions in the atmosphere.

This new tale says that the Russians had infact got a flying disc to work, after capturing it from the Nazis.
It posits that the dummies were teenage children who Joseph Mengle had experimented on to keep them the size they were to fly the craft.
It got into trouble and crashed at Roswell.
Apparently their intention was to land there and fake an alien invasion.

Aside from the lack of evidence what I find really unlikely is that we had long range pilotless drone aircraft even back in 1936!
The RAF had aircraft that could fly hundreds of miles without a pilot and drop bombs.
Why would you need genetically altered children to fly such a disc shaped craft when you could just fly in remotely?

Bend a dollar and increase the contrast

Not a coincidence

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>Soviets get Nazi disks.
>Mengele did some weird shit.

Honestly, I think Mengele was just obsessed and found out early how to use hormones to get women to bear more than one child at once.

I think the russians got some nazi tech and tested their jet engine prototypes, but the Mengele child/dwarf theory is as outlandish as the usual aliens/UFO conspiracy crap.

It's funny, I still want to believe.
I leave the door open, but I spent alot of time debunking.
It's amazing what people pull out of their ass without evidence.
Even what you would think are respectable people, like astronauts Ed Mitchell or, former Candian defence minister Paul Hellyer.

There's nothing credible out there to support the alien UFO theory.
Alien greys were a fictional construct first wrote by H.G wells in his work, 'man in a million' years'.
It's interesting to note that the first reports of UFOs in the sky were cigar shaped, co-inciding with the airships in the 1860-70s.
Flying discs were wrote about in the 1920s, by sci-fi comic fiction writers.

I honestly hope to proved wrong, so badly but proof is not out there.

I do believe in a 'Deep state' or a kleptocratic elite and that we are already living in one-world-order but it's only a financial world order.
It's not a conspiracy, it just the elite coalescing and using their 'market position' to affect change through global institutions.
You only have to look at the Supranational institutions for proof of this e.g

>World bank,

>Tri-lateral commission
> Council of Foreign Relations
> Bilderberg Group

Most socio-political commentators fall short on describing this interplay of elite. The reason I am looking at it, is to see whether there is anything to Dr Carol Rosin's claim that Von Braun was an insider who was told by elite players that they would fake an alien invasion.
It sounds too crazy to be true; but crazier things have happened.

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Pretty funny to watch /v/ freak out. The triggering.

you kind of have to look at it on a case by case basis
start with the pentagon ufo video they released recently

then read the report TAC UFO EXECUTIVE REPORT_1526682843046_42960218_ver1.0.pdf

if you put the two together, you get a UFO that could only be seen in infrared light, and could go from 50,000 to 20 feet in just a few seconds. it also docked with a larger object under the ocean. also look into bob lazar

>you kind of have to look at it on a case by case basis
start with the pentagon ufo video they released recently
USS Nimitz was there to document testing of new drone

>if you put the two together, you get a UFO that could only be seen in infrared light,
Lockheed's Swarm Drone Cormorant with advanced camoflage

>it also docked with a larger object under the ocean.
It was a Submarine

I've been all over the tic-tac incident.
I believe the USS Nimitz in 2004 was there to document (whether they knew it or not ) the testing a new drone.
Likely to be Lockheed's Cormorant.
This is a swarm drone, that can be launched from submerged submarine and return to a submerged submarine.
The pilots mention one of the drones bubbling the water.
There is a real patent related to said drone that uses salt water to maintain some kind of camouflage.

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>bob lazar
Is full of shit.
Based on the fact there are adverts in which he is selling a car that supposedly ran only on water.

maybe you should research things for more than 2 seconds before you make up your mind.
he made a car that runs on hydrogen, which is in water.

also your "swarm drone" theory doesn't make sense because the report states that the craft had no visible means of propulsion, meaning no wings, no exhaust (they would see it in infrared), no jets. not to mention, the object was seen hovering above the object under the water and docking with it. the swarm drones do not have a controlled descent, they glide down using gravity and then a submersible drone picks it up and recovers it to the submarine.

>maybe you should research things for more than 2 seconds before you make up your mind.
he made a car that runs on hydrogen, which is in water

user Bob Lazar is full of shit.
I have a perpetual gravity machine on my table here, that you can buy if you want.
Nobody takes the man seriously, but nut jobs.
People make all manner of bullshit claims without evidence.

>also your "swarm drone" theory doesn't make sense
Perhaps you should take that up with Lockheed.
Jet fighter pilot arent scientists or engineering they are glorified bus drivers of the sky with bombs and missile attached.

> swarm drones do not have a controlled descent,
Do you work at Lockheed?
Stop talking out of your arse.
You dont know what projects are capable of.
It certainly isnt Aliens.
Everyone of these UFOs is either near military installations, airfields, or other crafts. Because they are nearly always military test.
I give you a few years to catch up.

your ignorance is amusing, but not worth my time. i don't care what you believe

>your ignorance is amusing, but not worth my time. i don't care what you believe

On the contrary; truth doesnt fear investigation. I want to believe, but there are other explanations for this that are credible, such as Lockheed's Cormorant.
I would post their patent for the camoflage but I need to find it again.
If you think the US really thinks the alien UFO threat is credible -why would they only spend $22million over five years? You now the US federal government spends $250million a year on office stationary right.

Explain to me why you think this is Aliens and not a military secret test user.

You sound like a dense nigger. What are you gonna tell me next? Santa is real? Wake up and stop believing in fairies.

Well lets give him enough rope.
Allow user some room to tell us why the 2004 USS Nimitz Tictac incident are Alien UFOs and not something else more plausible or even an outright fraud.

I want to hear this should be good.
I also want to know why the US only spent $22million investigating this over 5 years.
But spends $250 million a year on pens and post-it notes.

tldr all this thread crap basically aliens could be anything but yes there is something out there there u go,

I dont believe anything that comes from the mouth of Bob Lazar, and with good cause, since everything else he's publicly stated is in the realm of fiction.
Next you're going to tell me they deleted his entire history too. Know of his lecturers or fellow students at alleged Universities he claims to have attend remember him.
Not going to entertain you talk about Bob Lazar -LOL!
Next you'll try to sell me on David Icke!

>but yes there is something out there there u go,
No there isnt.

lol ok.

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no no no no.
you're meant to haggle.
I say there's no Aliens
You say, yes there is and give me reasons why
I tell you those reason are silly and not real
and then you screech autistically or call me a shill.
Com'on lad play the game.

i wish the mods would keep the ufo threads in pol and not put them in bant with all the schizo niggers from ooga booga countries

>ufo threads in pol
you mean /x/ surely?

If aliens don't exist why do the Americans keep putting them in concentration camps?