Me on the left

Me on the left

Attached: C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1529763782050.jpg (291x410, 22K)

>me taking the picture.

Me behind the camera that took this photo

FUCK beaten too it. Ok. Me jacking off in the corner

Sweden will win
Screenshot this

Me claiming my kot ID.

Me on the back doing my taxes

im the rope

>A German girl getting kidnapped and raped by Mexicans
Not surprised

Hey lad, did you noticed that the picture is actually a drawing?? And not a real life person??

>German girls involved with brown dick
>ever unwilling

Attached: 1525090921428.gif (285x235, 954K)

Wow didn't notice sorry my bad

me on the right

That reminds me of Shadman, but it's not.

Yeah I get the shad vibe as well.

You want a dicke too?

Attached: C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1529881068855.jpg (800x800, 355K)

what's it referencing

I wish porn/hentai wasn't so focused on dick size.

But you are right tho kek
I am 8.5 inches and I still feel inadequate when watching hentai

I wish porn was more focused on the nose size.

tfw average-small size but have cock worship fetish

Attached: a4f7e5ae928e58aa66d8984f9c989c641e091f91_00.jpg (362x275, 22K)

Someone make a similiar picture with mexico on the right and sweden on the left ;^)

Attached: 1498886516552.png (500x443, 255K)