There is a huge hornet doing nasty hornet things under my bed what to do

there is a huge hornet doing nasty hornet things under my bed what to do

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Kick its ass

smooch it

>hornet humiliating user in his own bed

let him post on 4chinz for 5 years then wait for him to an hero

i had hornet issues few weeks ago, those things literally made a nest inside a crack in my wall outside and we could heard buzzing in our bathroom inside a wall
those things constantly tried to fly through our window but we got rid of them finally
it wasn't fun at all

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you wouldn't be that cocky if you saw the thing it's like a size of my thumb and sounds like harley davidson

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just get clothes that covers everything and fight it 1v1 like a real man

>Not using an electric fly swatter to torture it for hours on end

Dissapointed in you binlan

finnish hornets are fucking tiny just get a thick glove or some paper and crush it

Just submit to your new hornet overlord

i'm positive that it's vespa crabro queen i guess it's here because of the odd weather since they are quite rare normally

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thats degenerate

At least it's not a Japanese hornet

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fly spray and if you dont have that just spray a metric shit tonne of deodorant on it as that will kill it pretty quick

block the exits and stick a hairdryer or something in there

Make a flamethrower with a lighter and deodorant

kill it before it lays eggs

Smash it with a big boot.

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poop on it

Kill it pussy

Leave those poor hornets alone gay lord.

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it went away i didn't try to kill it

Gassing is the only way to deal with bugs

That's good, hornets are needed for balanced specifically so caterpillars have natural predictors.

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t. hornet


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if its a female hornet let her sting your cock