Are you white?

Don’t worry, Europoors. I have officially decided which of you are white.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why isn’t anyone replying to me thread? Stupid, Europeans dont want to philosophize

How about you redpill me on Self defense in Maine if you want me to reply.

>dont worry europoors

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t. Mehmet

or maybe

t. Brian Murphy Michael O'Ryan

quick question.
have you ever physically been to europe?

You’re flag locks like my teethpaste

The word 'white' just means 'a person of European descent'. Anyone who tries to claim is a leftist agent provacateur trying to cause infighting

hahaha, you really think Swedes are pure whyte? Us Finns have successfully interbred with the Swedes for hundreds of years, you can see it in many of them too. Same goes with Norway, a lot of them have disgusting Saami blood cos of the Scandinavians natural tendency of cuckery, self-hatred and tolerance.

Now fuck off with your bait thread, you ruined it with your second post.

Why would I do that?

So gypsies are white?

Christ Genghis calm the fuck down my Azn brother

damn, safe by a couple of km

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Jewish slide thread but I’ll bite.
(Aside from its current predicament) how is France not the whitest white?

kill yourself right now.

The rise of the Finno-Ugrian man has come.

I’m pure white! Look at the color of my ID tag if you don’t believe me

what's the difference beween northern, central and southern italians in your mind? just asking

Are Syrians white?

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I feel like maybe more of the North of France can be bure white :DDD

Thanks muttbro
/purest white

Persians are

>Purest White
>Balts and Finns
>Just humble "White"

I've news for you, sweetie. Check this out.

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You have officially been deemed white by an American. Congratulations

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Yeah, we also used to own New York.

>purest white

>purest white

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Some on the outside but in general they think like Arabs and have little in common with a true Evropean.


fugg how will the potatoes recover

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I’ll redpill you on it. So basically, in Maine, you’re not allowed to provoke an attack and then use deadly force. You’re also not allowed to use deadly force when you know you can just walk away unharmed. Also, you don’t really have the burden of proof in either instance, the state has to prove you didn’t have to kill the person (or use deadly force).

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>Dear diary, someone called me white today, I feel so happy and acknowledged...

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Thanks user. Moving to Maine now with German friends. How are the ladies in Maine if you happen to have any experience with them?

Colgate? Not likely


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This is the first whiteness map/classification I actually 100% agree with. Good job OP

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Why did u leave daddy?

Thanks user

You are in for an unpleasant surprise. Maine is beautiful. The women there are not.

This happened

Boo, I'm stuck here with Anglos and had to listen to kids say my name was ,"Van der Spoog HAHAHAHA!!!" for 12 years.

>Implying potato niggers are pure white.

>Purest white

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>Brits and Germans more white than Finland

Read a book

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>pure white

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georgians in the caucasus are white

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>actually buying Jow Forums Gold

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>being from the Isle of Faggot Men.

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> Sweetie
> Not sweaty

In le trash it goes

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t. Somali

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Yours looks mine fell in a blender

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