How do I stop fapping to anime girls

How do I stop fapping to anime girls

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How did you even start doing that in the first place?

What kind of question is that

You don't.

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I agree, how the fuck do you start jacking it to cartoons you weirdo?

switch over to traps

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have an internet filled with pictures of naked girls and you chose a drawing

Why wouldn't I fap to drawings meant to be attractive?

Wow you people are weirdos

Because you’re a man and men are attracted to real women you sicko.

lose your sanity
become schizophrenic

Anime girls are idealized versions of real women.

1. Don't

The easiest way is killing yourself.
The second is castration.

A straightforward question. Do you also masturbate to captchas?

fap to czech porn instead

Why would you stop? It's nothing to be ashamed of

Start looking at anime boys to counteract the effects

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No they look like space aliens mixed with 5 year olds.

No, they're characaturized, sexualized children.

Guess that's what I'm into then

This is why European men went from god of war to fucking sex reassignment surgery

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So I guess your real question is how do I stop being mentally ill? I don’t know the solution.

But I don't like mature women, what else am I supposed to do?

Just don't?


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Get off the internet for a while and read the bible

Why would you stop?