How fucked up is your sleep schedule?

How fucked up is your sleep schedule?

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A lot, Stupid World Cup!

how very?

Sleeping until 8:00 AM fucked

thats pretty fucked

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I don't have one

fixing nicely, I'm transferring back over to my uberman schedule after an annoying disruption


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My sleep schedule goes from healthy (8pm to 8am or so) to average (10pm to 10am) to bad (1am to 1pm) to awful (4am to 4pm) to ridiculous (8am to 8pm) to dumb (4pm to 4am) and back again. Obviously with everything in the middle, too. I sleep 12 hours normally but I also feel like I need to stay up 14, 16, 18 hours, and it sucks. The last three days it moved like 2 hours forward each day.

don't know how thats possible

Well for me I'm awake until I can't physically stand it anymore then I crash wherever, then I wake up between 5-14 hours later (sometimes)

something like this but i normally sleep around 8 hours

>5-14 hours later
thats quite alot of variation
i usually for me it goes like this:
i wake up at around 7pm-10pm, stay awake through the night to 11am-1pm, fall asleep and then wake up again at seven or ten with very little variation

I go to sleep at 3AM and wake up at 1PM. I don't even do anything worth staying up for.

I stood up until 8 am and then slept until 7pm

I have been travelling for 3 to 4 years straight switching countries every few months, I've lived in at least 30... which means my body doesn't get adjust to any time schedules. Perpetual jetlag and a job that currently goes from 12am to 8am six nights a week. I only see the sun for a max of 1 hour a day, before and after I go to bed. I think I am going to die.

Remember that in death we are truly free.

or are we

your life sounds pretty interesting. i'd love to hear more of your nomadic life, if you don't mind posting

Remember, you're here forever

good morning

Yeah I dunno it's pretty savage honestly. I can sleep like 8+ hours and feel like I haven't even slept at all but a few hours will have me rejuvenated entirely it's weird

your brain is asleep, so its not aware of the fact that it slept

I feel like half the time my brain is trolling me. If I fall asleep in a thunderstorm though it is bar none the greatest sleep a human can achieve

i think that if you sleep too much, it actually makes you feel more tired than you began

>If I fall asleep in a thunderstorm though it is bar none the greatest sleep a human can achieve
i sleep in my attic when there are big thunderstorms

I never sleep

>i sleep in my attic when there are big thunderstorms
That sounds hella comfy

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I sleep 10~12 hours a day at least whenever I'm tired; which is now.

i considered moving into my attic many times, but the bed i have in there is quite old and there are the occasional spiders
sweet dreams


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sleep 12 hours from 4 to 4

i-i hope you achieve your goals?

There is a colony of spiders that will not leave my book case, it's strange. I spray it down and then they come back later. It's like ghost spiders and it's unnerving.
Deep breaths and tell us what ails you senpai

why the fuck do you sleep so long
stop laying around you worthless piece of shit

i sleep from 6:00am, to 2-3pm
so fucked up.

yeah, i had my roommate drag me out of bed this morning because i was starting to sleep in way too often

5am. Still awake.

My sleep schedule does not matter much to me because I only need 4-5 hours of sleep.

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I used to wake up at 5am and now I wake up at 7am

When I have no college it's usually 3am-11am.
When I have college it's usually 1am-6/7am.

Not at all. I get up at 4:30 and go to bed at 21:30.

i'm a bit envious

Almost fixed.

FYI fucked up sleep schedule is the leading cause of depression, autism, and every problem ever.
at least, it is for me.

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Honestly it's still fucked af even after 6 months quitting my previous job. I am currently working with a new employer as kinda "intern" (learning the ways of the house) however I will be designated to do exactly the same job I did with the former employer for the last 7 years.

It's the both.
>the residual stress left by a former employer
>the anxiety about what and how it will be with the current employer

Guys, don't look down work related stress. Take it seriously because you fucking never know.

Wake up 18:00
go to sleep 10:00

I go to sleep at either between twelve or one AM and wake up at about six or seven AM. I manage to function perfectly fine during the day.

see, I wouldn't even call that "fucked up" because it's regular, and some nights you will be getting >6 hours.
my schedule is... well...
last night it was 3am to 9am
before was 11pm to 5am
before that was about 2am to 6am
... feels bad, man.

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Pretty good loverboy, i like to wake early and sleep early for max sleep gains

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dumb frogposter

yup, we have found the nigger.

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wake up at 7AM go to bed at around 10PM