What's good?

what's good?

no really, what is "good"?

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Like fuck they are

they are

to me, it seems they just eat poop and sleep

They are neutral at least

>pitbull ravaging kids
>parasites leeching
>penis fish
You can’t say they do good deeds

animals cannot be inherently bad because they are driven by instinct
some animals taste good
some animals are pets and provide people company which is good

therefore animals range from neutral to good

i will not take those words back, for I have quite often seen dogs lick and eat eachother's fecal matter.

So you mean instincts are neutral/good?
I’d say they can’t be categorized in good or bad

are you sure you don't like them for other reasons, kongposter?

pitbulls are based and redpilled
parents should be less retarded and not let their kids near strangers' dogs
cats are cute
animals do that to reabsorb nutrients. it happens in almost every species
instincts are for survival and survival is inherently good because it is the objective constant that all living things subconsciously aim for
i like art of animal people. if the art is good it is also good

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I would argue humans are largely controlled by instinct as well.
We kill and steal to gain territory and resources.
We rape out of sexual lust.

Does that make those instinctual behaviours "good"? hmmmm...

Yeah I can agree to that, survival is good
But what does it mean that your survival means to take another living being life?

Anything that benefits society.

Of course, I'm not going to make the case that I am good either. I for instance am so driven by capitalism and social darwinism that I would without hesitation trample over others if it would result in a gain on my end.

humans have big brains and sapience and morality and greater understanding of why to do things and why not to do things. it is not a valid comparison
things live and die it's how it works. people give themselves more value than other animals so it is their job to have a greater degree of survival to protect that value

Doesn’t mean that’s good

what if the desires of the collective don't line up with your own morals, do you just give up what you believe so as to not disturb the order of things.

survival is good
morality is objective because morality always aligns with personal survival, bloodline survival, and species survival. anything that compromises any of those 3 things or is immoral. anything that makes life not worth living for those 3 parties is immoral.

I take that back, never disturb the natural order of things. Then again, it's kind of hard to do such without staging a coup or something else of grand scope. Even when the revolution does go succesfully, the "utopia" will just collapse again because of internal instability or external factors (such as competing systems).

The desires of the collective does not necessarily equal what is good for society.

For example, a lot of Chinese people collectively desired opium for recreational use in the 1800s, but it was detrimental to their society, rather than beneficial.

getting philosophical insights from a chink is like getting philosophical insights from the dog he ate for breakfast

Survival of the fittest isn’t necessary a good thing IMO but I guess I’m fine with your point of view

that's why nobody asked you wong

everything that exists is good as the will tends to it

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women!

How dare you refer to this thread or replies within it as "philosophical"; we were just discussing the good qualities that animals possess...

to me, it seems as though all issues have a binary number of stances one can take on, that is, those which follow the harsh realities of nature (competition, hierarchy, darwinism), and those which believe they can ascend their biological substrates(socialism, most other things on the left).

This is what leads me to believe politics isn't a spectrum, but more of a dividing line, and yes, under this classification, libertarianism is a right wing ideology.

That’s a gay way to not answer the question

nothin much

Well, it is a difficult one indeed, as I get the feeling that in a narrative or archetypal sense, the left side (the rebel) usually takes the protagonistic side whereas the right (the tyrannical system/status quo) is usually antagonized. This makes sense of course, since it is kind of hard to have good feelings toward a "hero" which continually undermines the interests of others and uses his power to defer change, but I feel that this old story might also be the main reason things like communism and other horrors occur. It is like the story of the tower of Babel, where a peoples rebellion against God are ultimately discontinued. The natural order of things is unchallangable, in essence.

To believe that the order of things is something outdated and replacable, is kinda like believing you are God. Perhaps this pride is the evil tyrannical power everyone is truly rebelling against, that is, people tend to resist those who believe they can change the rules as if the world was their own design. And maybe, this is how we find good, that is, by allowing humans to follow only the rules defined by the natural substrate, and taking out all of the laws which humans think are beneficial, but ultimately aren't.

There it is...
I've answered it for all of you.
And yes, animals are pretty cool.

my waifu