How do female pornstars manage to do all this weird gay shit on camera even though they're actually straight?

How do female pornstars manage to do all this weird gay shit on camera even though they're actually straight?

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They get paid for it

The act
Alright next question

whats the meaning of life

the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.
BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM Alright next question

1. Women aren't really straight, most are at least slighly bisexual.
2. Money let's you act more easily. How do you think straight actors for male gay porn get through the scenes? Viagra and money.

women in general are much more likely to exhibit homosexual tendencies and walk away from those experiences just fine and not stigmatized in the least

should I sleep now or later

It takes the average human about 15 minutes to fall asleep. If you go to sleep right now, you should try to wake up at one of the following times: 10:45 PM.

but that does not answer my question

Listen user *Burp* I-I don't care if you sleep now or later*Burp* I'm not your father or mother*Burp*Y-you your own person and you should solve your own damn problems*Burp*
Suck my balls, user,

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but that would require me to think along with effort, things I'm not willing to do

There's a lot of thing I'm not willing to do, user, But guess what? I do them anyway because I'm not a pussy like you.

Human sexuality is more complex than gay and straight.

>How do you think straight actors for male gay porn get through the scenes?
That's even harder to understand. I guess those are usually gay or bisexual men because the market for gay porn is much smaller than that of lesbian and straight porn. Consider that a male pornographic actor would probably only have to do straight scenes, while a pornographic actress would definitely have to act in lesbian scenes at some point because the demand is much larger.

>I guess those are usually gay or bisexual men
lmao guess again. Straight porn scenes pay so little for men that many porn stars have to do gay porn to survive in the industry even tho they are straight.

all porn is degeneracy


>complains about porn being degenerate
>advocates meaningless sex
is this bait or just a retard?

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What is funny?

watching other people fuck is literally cuckoldry

at least be the bull faggot


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Two things:
They get paid to do it, and
The vast majority of women are bi-sexual according to sexuality studies done with MRIs