Best star trek captain? who does Jow Forums endorse?

best star trek captain? who does Jow Forums endorse?

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Lol I can tell you which one is the worst.

>get stuck on other side of galaxy
>blows up only way back to “save a less advanced race”
>wtf is the prime detective?
>avoid every chance to get back home because morals

based picard

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Captain Janeway, she's a stone cold fox

Mai boi Kirk

The others a faggots

Obligatory required reading

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Sliding thread.

hahaha holy fucking shit


That's pretty funny.

Janeway gets a lot of shit but she's better than fucking Chakotay. I couldn't fucking stand him...

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Mirror universe captains
>sisko (never even made it to captain)

I'm pretty sure the guy playing Chakotay (cant even remember his name) was on opioids the entire time they were filming

1 Kirk
2 Sisko
3 Who gives a fuck ?

Jow Forums would probably endorse Sisko.

They all kind of fit an archetype

Kirk: adventurer
Picard: diplomat
Sisco: warrior
Janeway scienctist
Other guy: globalist founder of federation

Also sisco is my guy. Fucking loved ds9

Admiral Akbar > Kirk > Picard > the rest tie for dogshit

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Is that Conan O'Brian?

Based Captain Pike.

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picard = kirk > sisko = archer (even though DS9 was a much better show than ENT) > janelole

Kirk for times of war, Picard for times of peace, and Cisco for both.

All other captains are inferior.

>female Star Trek protagonist can't get any worse than Janewa-

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I don't watch star trek but I want to put my dick in that

Discover is Star Trek in name only and she was better in The Walking Dead but she's not a very good actress in any case and only slightly above average in fuckability imo tbqh

I'll fuck anything brown honestly mate

Patrician opinion.

>I'll fuck anything brown honestly mate

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imptrash. Remember to not respond or use sage

always do mate, I just make these brown lady appreciation threads.

that's a weird fucking haircut

What are some redpilled star trek captains guys?

Captain Obi Wan Kirknobi

based Annorax

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Well she's young. So she still has time. But she's no Emma Watson

nog best captain

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Does anyone even know/care about STD's captain?