Always remember britbongs are always on the submissive side
Always remember britbongs are always on the submissive side
that's not true in the slightest
dumb gay lasagna
can i casually lie on top of you and sleep
i hope you get snuffed out and get raped in a dark alley faggot
Bow to your master silly neko
no. Im going to bed soon and it'd be gay to sleep together
to an Italian?
i hope you get dragged into a shack and you get your skull fucked and smashed by a brick
Yes. I love violating cute nekos.
do you need a hug?
we don't look like that and we aren't all homos
dumb homo Italian
Y-Yes you do I know it's true
can confirm I do not have cat ears
post pics then
But you're cute tee hee
nah lad that's gay
kobe, cooking threads plz.
stick to one thread you faggots
I want to sleep in a big bed with all the british boys they will all rub against me with their soft naked bodies like little cats
no homo
It's pretty true actually. Even when I ended up in burgerland I still am submissive.