Be honest cracker you know you want this

Black families are so much better,
Their children are so much more confident. They love each other so much more and are so much more close then cracker families:

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just the fact that you have to post this here you know it aint true

Niggers are the worst in every imaginable way

That is actually pretty cute honestly. My son is confident as all hell though. If you treat your children with respect and don’t abuse them they will have all the confidence in the world. Black or not.

lol. go work in a public school and see how your opinion evolves. Rub muh Click

unironically those are their names on the shirts

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I have 3 white childern and one more on the way.

Why on earth would I want to be black.

Do the right thing.

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can we confirm this is a legit black family and not a photoshoot?

you're absolutely right

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Mic Drop....Bleached??

Domestic abuse, child abuse, sexual abuse, and incest are all dramatically higher in nigger families.

goddamn retarded looking monkeys

kek. saved.

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Considering close to 75% of niggers grow up without their fathers now, yeah, I do want to see more nuclear families. It might cut down on niggertry.

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Maybe. Black fathers would have to stick around more to actually see.

>Their children are so much more confident
They sure are and I think I might know why.

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Ignorance is bliss.

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>dunning kreguer effect chart
>no nothing as the origin
I keked

Black people take themselves too seriously.

>Black families
I might be jealous if I ever saw one.

self-esteem is inversely correlated with success

>1 post by this ID
+70% of black families don’t even have a Dad you retarded niggerlover

If niggers were actually capable of forward thinking Africa wouldn't be full of spear chucking cannibals and mud huts.

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God bless you

You're not suppose to post common sense on this board.

We're born light and darken over time, similarly to hair color. And now you know, my uncultured leaf.


Found a nigger, guys.

Sure, sure, fine, it's true now can we all go back to being dicks?

By the cops, the dad had his heart on the right place.

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>know how to cook and season food
>good at sport
>don't bald at 25
>funny, athletic, confident
>close to family and religion
>excellent in bed

literally god tier

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>When dad jumps companies

Nigger, please.
We dont want your monkey family
Black families are anything but better
They have the highest divorce rates
Highest percentage of children born out of wedlock
Not to mention highest domestic violence

>this is goals

Yep black fathers are god tier, because they're non-existent fairy tales to their children.

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>We're born light and darken over time
So each crime committed ups the nigger value by 1?

>know how to cook and season food
>Most common cause of death besides other black people is heart issues due to too much salt

Black people have no taste buds and their food is actually poisonous.

Fuck off with the bestiality crap, spook

>four juvenile BBC’s
Just imagine the amount of white pussy that will be forever changed by their large cocks

>the father is there

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>intellectual graph
>no nothing
Jesus christ

fpbp, like how do you take the most innocently pro-black possible, a normal black family, and have to turn it into something anti-white

Tyler Perry is on the dl tho

> 5 fucking kids
No. Maybe 2 max. I have hobbies and interest of my own.

>two producers
>No artist
>producing the same track over and over again
Pretty accurate representation of rap

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Is balding a bad thing?

True dat. Crackers also tend to be fags more often.

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Blacks would much better off if they did have intact families
>5 fucking kids
Unless they are making a high end 6 figure income between the two of them, I doubt they aren't on some government gibs. That isn't a goal to strive for

Down low nigger.

He was threatening to throw his baby daughter from the roof if the cops stopped them illegally occupying land. He did.

Only good only if you have the adapted facial structure.

Whoa, check out the edge on these stormfags. How original and super funny bants.

What is that?

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I was just about to do this kek

big head

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Each family is different
There are bad and good families in every culture.