No work

>no work
>work center sends me on mandatory javascript courses for 2 month
>work center sudden says they think sending me up north to take courses in chopping down trees is a better idea

am I a brainlet?

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Now chop wood, woodchopper

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Work center? that's pretty cool

>>work center sends me on mandatory javascript courses for 2 month
>>work center sudden says they think sending me up north to take courses in chopping down trees is a better idea
What the fuck kind of company do you work for

>What the fuck kind of company do you work for
He doesn't work. That's the point.
NEETBux agency is sending him to the rice fields

No man, chopping trees is incredibly complex.
They noticed you were outpacing those filthy java nerds who'll all end up in their parents basement, gnawing and sucking away in their funko pop vinyls. Now you can do a real job, which requires a real brain, to chop down real trees.

You won at life.
Look at you go.
How I wish I could fly as high as you.

Oh wow that's kind of brutal but at the same time if it was me in OP's position I'd be cool with it. Being NEET gets really old after a while if you don't have any hobbies or activities to occupy your time

The fun thing about being a NEET is that you dont have anything to occupy yourself with. That's pure freedom right there.
Sometimes I just lay there and let my mind wander

But, that's awful. What's the point of freedom if you don't do anything with it?

You're supposed to do things? lol
I'm NEET because I don't want to do things

>No man, chopping trees is incredibly complex.

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I thought people became NEETS cuz they couldn't do what they wanted to professionally. I thought they'd just quit after a while of doing something they hated and then lock themselves up with their own hobbies. Guess I was wrong? IKSDEE

Hopla, er uit

(((fijne vakantie in spanje)))

There are diff reasons why people become neets.

just start ww3, make the gaerman gas everyone and take their gold

I'd litterally kill myself if I wasn't being a little bit productive at least. I find it really hard to understand sometimes.

Tell them I'll gladly do that instead of you.


what do you do?

I didnt become a NEET by choice, la. I'm starting a trade apprenticeship in the fall (thank god) but I'm thinking about taking up a dishwashing job or something between now and then so I can make some 'spending money' again

also depends on your definition of "productive", I guess

I have a very busy head, I study 3D animation atm, and I'm filling my vacation with internships to escape the horrible feeling of being alone. I'm mostly a visual guy doing sculpting, texturing, and the like, but I'm doing some programming stuff now in Houdini (special effects shit) and I love it.

Because I'm horribly afraid of becoming a NEET. I feel like every step I'm on the slippery slope of becoming one. I'm afraid that one day, when I wake up, my personality will do a complete 180 and I'll be a listless depressed asshole for the rest of my life while actively hating myself from the inside. It's very irrational.


Alright that's a reasonable fear, my dude.

Sorry to break it to you, but you are a neet.

Well I think that positive, at least you are being out in public again and having interactions with people. I don't feel that being a NEET is bad if you had no hand in becoming one, but in those times you need to move quickly or your life will go down the gutter rapidly.

Sounds like youre just an unemployed Chad who projects his shortcomings and self-loathing onto everyone else

ive been a NEET for going on 6 years now, Chad.

Ok but how, I'm currently in training and I don't even live with my parents anymore.

How can you be a neet? Govt just pays neetbux or what?

Should be NEE in all honesty.
Training isnt a real job

I'm not a Chad, I've never put my peepee in a hooha. Also, the chad type is really not much of a thing here in general, unless I'm the first one, which, if thats the case, then great

I'm curious as to how you live with yourself :0 I can't imagine having to spend the whole day by yourself not doing anything. Its actually worth some respect imho

Well make it NE, I'm currently studying, like I told you (even though I go to art school which is pathetic enough in and of itself)

I never said I don't do anything? Like I said (and im not trying to be insulting), I genuinely think you're projecting your self-loathing/shortcomings onto others. You're "fearful of not doing anything with yourself" so you project that fear/quality onto others and if they're not Chadding it up like you, then you automatically assume/infer that they're "not doing anything with themselves the whole day"

not all of us are Chads who can study 3 languages while learning programming and practicing 3D animation in between training for marathons and fucking mad pussy


>unless I'm the first one
the proto chad

I'm sorry man. I guess you're right and I am projecting. I'm just not very aware of it.
Thanks for the insight, and I mean this.

I was trying to imply that such a lifestyle would make ME miserable, but I don't care as much what others do with their lifes, as long as they are happy.

Furthermore, Im curious as to how you spend your day, you have any hobbies or do you have work you can do behind the screen or something?

I read a lot of books and I spend some time trying to garden (growing tomato plants [yes actual tomatoes] atm). Also I have an in-ground pool to take care of but that's less of a hobby and more of a housekeeping thing

if I had some fucking cocksucking money though (see: getting a job) I could start working on my cars again or even buy a shitbike and work on that

Man tomatoes that sounds kinda good.
We can only grow small ones here, unless we use a greenhouse. What kind of tomatoes do you grow? I've been interested in those weirdly dark, almost purple gnarly beef steak tomatoes (or at least, in holland you'd call them beefsteak tomatoes)
Are you ever going to try hydroponics?

I just scooped out some seeds from some roma tomatoes I bought at the supermarket and put them in some soil to see if they'd grow. 3-4 weeks later I've got 4" tall plants that are getting rootbound and need to be repotted in a bigger container (MIGHT do that today).

I've been planning to experiment with aquaponics but, again, I would need a little money to start a setup since it requires things like
>water pump
>hydroponic/aquaponic grow media (expanded clay, gravel, or coco coir)
>the plants themselves
>a timer
>aquarium tank
>possibly some LED grow lights and a ballast or two

aquaponics is basically hydroponics but with a fishetank full of fishe instead of "nutes" to feed the plants

also with aquaponics you might be able to grow some small tomato plants (cherry or roma) indoors in a colder environment like the Netherlands without needing a greenhouse...

Must be nice having social services.
Also, if you want to do programming why don't you go to school for it? Doesn't the government pretty much pay you to?

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Thats not how it works.
Im not really interested in programming its just that you have to do what the work center tells you to do.
Just mad that they think im a brainlet

why teach a guy a skill he's not interested in? That's a waste of everyones time. Might be your attitude, not your smarts.

Ahh yes I've seen that before. Thats pretty cool :D my dad has a smol greenhouse and I want to grow some hydroponic tomatoes in there, krakty style tho. I also saw that rockwool in a net cup is a pretty popular medium, but that might require rewatering if it dries up before the seeds sprout roots.

Roma's are nice. We can't buy them at the supermarket here unfortunatly, we only get one or 2 kinds of "big tomatoes" if we're lucky. When I'll grow my own I want to go for the big ones that have black spots on them, and hopefully I'll be able to actually taste a fucking tomatoe for once damnit