go away you russian s4s faggot
Off by one
You got what you deserved traitor
how do we fix slow boards, r/banter
Import a bunch of gays from Jow Forums
also please sage while posting in this thread
Bring in those gays
I summon aya
I unsummon gaya
no stop posting in my thread
I resummon gaya
are you a necromancer?
I reunsummon ayabirb
I r e r e summon aya
I just want to know if the newspaper is done and over with so I can leave bant forever
I permaunsummon him
All right I think the answer is no
all right bye guys
you guys were cool bye forever
He's dead and so is the paper
ahaha, woopsie.
don't worry
ok bye thanks for playing
owo whats this
no, dont summon this massive gaylord unless you intend to harm/insult him