Come home white man

Come home white man.

Attached: Hallstatt_300.jpg (1280x800, 436K)

Seriously though what do I need to live here.

Attached: Austrian-Alps-1.jpg (1600x1200, 667K)

Attached: Mont_Blanc.jpg (1600x1200, 385K)

Attached: The_Dolomites_Alps_Italy.jpg (1600x1200, 485K)

Attached: Austrian_Alps_085578_10.jpg (1280x1024, 1.12M)

Me too, man.

A pair of hiking shoes is a must.

Attached: flatlanders-cant-into-alps.jpg (1920x1280, 1.39M)

I do that shit in my sleep. Do you live near the alps?

Hike in picture above is close to Zurich (45 minutes by car). Was there yesterday.
I grew up in a pre-alp region. See pic related.

Attached: mis-land.jpg (1498x1000, 439K)

This. Never cheap out on mountain shoes: I bought a pair for >150€ (iirc) 7 years ago and they're still serving me today despite me using them as a kind of all purpose boots.

Attached: aus police officer.jpg (479x720, 51K)

I will in be taking that exact photograph in about 3 weeks...

These kind of places are great for vacations, but awful to live permanently.

any chance you'd upload it here for comparison?

this is where i live op

Attached: Brand.jpg (2592x1456, 1.03M)

Ich arbeite hier als Lehrer

Wir leben hier in einem wohlbehüteten Paradies, Mohammed!

>wohlbehüteten Paradies
Und wovon träumst du Nachts, Schluchtenscheißer?

That's in Austria. It's not your home and it never will be, mutt.

Back in the days my ancestors were so fucking poor, they sent their kids to germany as cheap farm hands

vom weißen ethnostaat, ahmed

fuck off chang
only white people can come home

Ich bruchen diese arbeiten.

(don't know if i said that one right)

Wir beide, Bruder. Wann sendet ihr endlich den nächsten Führer rüber?

Attached: Hitler salute.jpg (800x450, 68K)

It is so wrong I can't even figure out what you were trying to say.

Eure Männer müssen endlich aufhören, solche cucks zu sein...

Ich war letzthin in D in einer WG in der eine Deutsche einen Asylanten als ihren neuen Freund mitgebracht hat. Der arabische Hurensohn hat die gesamte WG übernommen und die deutschen Jungs haben sich nicht gewehrt, nicht im mindesten. Was ist mit euch los? Ihr wart mal harte Kämpfer, hat mir mein Opa erzählt. der hat an eurer Seite Russen geschossen.

Attached: AFDftw.png (500x317, 98K)

Checked, based, keked.

*auf Besuch in der WG

I wish I could live there. The USA makes me sick.

3000 years ago my ancestors seized the alps,
fought in brother wars for a couple of thousand years and now they get run over by niggers and mudslims. and no shot was fired. its such a disgrace.
The saracens have no fucking right to be here

Attached: alps.jpg (646x430, 69K)

Die Cucks gibt es bei euch doch genauso wie bei uns, schau mal in deine Großstädte. Jedes westliche Land hat seinen Anteil an selbsthassenden Cucks. Ich finde es auch scheiße, aber mehr als AfD zu wählen und mein eigenen Freundeskreis zu überzeugen kann ich auch nicht machen.

Don’t worry user. You’ll get it back. There will be a shot fired. It just hasn’t happened yet. We are not getting out of this mess without a giant war.

Come home, white man. You have to sleep 6 hours before going to work tomorrow.

Attached: white man's private prison that he pays rent for.jpg (960x540, 123K)

Ok, based german.

Ohne Scheiß: Ich will Moscheen brennen sehen. Und zwar bald. Und ich will der sein, der
den Molotov-Cocktail wirft!

Attached: 1517638651921.gif (720x404, 3.89M)

This. Don't cheap out. A good pair is a must have.

Fuck off we're full

Already there.

Unser Kurz boy spielt 4D Schach und haut den Globalistenverrätern gerade einiges rein. Ihr müsst nur Mutti endlich los werden.

Der alte Knochensack sitzt halt alles eiskalt aus, Misstrauensvotum wird sie niemals zulassen. Vielleicht haben wir ja Glück und Wladimir schickt ihr einen vergifteten Hund, aber bis sie die CDU unter 20% hat wird sie nicht freiwillig gehen. Aber daran arbeiten wir und vorallem sie, ja mit Hochdruck.

Die AfD ist echt nicht perfekt, aber sie ist glaub ich das beste was ihr im Moment bekommt.



How much are houses there?
Whiter than you mudham.
Wasn't talking to you mudmood that picture was from Austria.

Looks nice. Can I come too?

Only if you promise not to shit in the water.


>How much are houses there?
Well, this is Switzerland... Houses are seven digits, a really decent one goes north of 1.8 mUSD/CHF. Nice appartments start around 500 to 600k.

Attached: urnaesch.jpg (1280x955, 407K)

>outta my way poorfag fucking shits

Attached: 1531143519293.jpg (630x810, 122K)

These places look like they could use some bombs to redecorate.

>implying Swiss people have no problems
Life is hard user. Money can't buy everything.

Attached: huere-schoef.jpg (600x401, 98K)

Even out in the middle of nowhere?

There's no such thing in Switzerland as "in the middle of nowhere".

Attached: lambo at field.jpg (800x600, 129K)

Can confirm

Where the fuck is that? Is everyone rich in Switzerland from selling watches to niggers or something?

Dude. Just Being Switzerland is enough to sell.