Should I play eu4 or hoi4?

Should I play eu4 or hoi4?

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you should play russian roulette

dwarf fortress

playing as Poland is pretty fun

Already did and survived

Play EU4 Austria
Best nation, already WC 3 times with them

I'm shit at eu. I can only play as teutons and a little of Netherlands.

Can you give me any tips for Austrii? I always wanted to form HRE nut i suck.

you have to believe in yourself!
also Aragon is nice too

EU4 play as a OPM

I believe once. I created Prussia, conquered Scandinavia and central Europe, but then french declare on me together with ottomans and my ally Russia was in debt :^))))))

There are some nice guides in youtube
The only problem austria has is a lot of rng/savescumming involved in the first 10/20 years

But if you get the PU over Hungary and Bohemia soon you are unstopable

Oh and once I managed to win as Albania against ottomans

i remember that once something similar happened but i was commonwealth and it was sweden-russia-ottomans instead
just make them surrender as fast as possible by taking their capital, i even got some provinces from russia


EU4, but make sure to download so you don't end up having to pay $400 in dlc alone to the paradox jews. CK2 is a good choice as well. HOI4 gets stale around 2-300 hours without mods even with all the dlc enabled.

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none those games suck lol


That's why you mod the living balls out of hoi 4 user

Isn't there a way to buy the base game and then download the mods into the game or something?


both are bad


victoria 2, hoi3 or ck2

Lol I've worked for the guy in this pic

the CK2 map generator got updated if you care


You worked for tech support?

Lol I've worked for the guy that worked for the guy in this pic

you should play a game like HoI3 or EU3, and not broken skinner boxes designed to sell you DLC


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both are awful

get a better game faggot

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Eu4 go full autist

Pic related

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