Since blacks aren’t human, it is cannibalism to eat them...

Since blacks aren’t human, it is cannibalism to eat them? Because there’s this black family next door that has this obese 15 y/o that probably weighs over 200 pounds. I’ve always thought of eating his massive thighs and Barbecuing the shit out of his guts. Really want to make some African American ribs and negro steak out of him. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST I WANT TO EAT HIM SO BADLY!

Does anyone here want to help me come up with a plan to kidnap him and eat him?

Attached: 345F3401-F823-4925-820A-0B20DB3FCD0A.jpg (317x281, 26K)

this is tied to homosexuality (look it up)

i dont think you'd want to eat fat

he probably weighs 300 pounds 200 is barely fat

Pihsuit esi foggisipv, cav puv foggisipv ipuahj vu tvesv ievoph vjin. Ov xuamf jewi vji teni duptiraipdit et ievoph tuniupi ug zuas uxp cmuuf.


that's a big burger

Attached: voremyblackassbitch.jpg (800x973, 62K)

Attached: A burger eating.jpg (667x500, 45K)

Eww, thigh? That much fat would go well beyond just marbled. I’d like to eat someone’s brain though—eating the machinery of another being’s thought sounds titillating.

Attached: B45404D1-0A35-4B13-9644-9972CC6B19F1.jpg (220x146, 14K)

mad skillz

Depends on the height. If you’re 5’10, unless you’re buff or have broad shoulders, 200 lbs is obese, not morbidly obese, but fat nonetheless.

Actually everything u said makes u inhuman

>eating primate skin
enjoy the 50 diseases


you get aids

Asshole, kys. >:(

Belgium innthe early 1900s

You get holes in your brain if you eat people.

Blacks have high std rates, I'm not sure you want to eat it

Ask the Belgians for a good recipe.

woah nice id trips