The ultimate objective is for you to look like pic related.

How to better yourself:

Go to the gym and don't be afraid to cardio or lift more than one hour.
These chad workout mixes will help:

Stop believing in memes like "lose all ur gainz after 60 minutes of gym". Not even close to true. Look at all the greatest bodybuilders.

Stop listening to degeneracy.


Arditi - Heroic Age

Argentum - Imperium

Across The Rubicon - Shadows And Dust


Across The Rubicon - Ghost

Stop consuming too much carbs and fast food. Have a glass of good wine, no more cheap shit. Eat fruit. Eat fish. DO NOT EAT PORK IT DESTROYS YOUR STOMACH LINING AND INTESTINE WALLS. Don't eat feminized products. Don't breed with roasties. Find a wholesome waifu. Do cardio. Go running. Stockpile food and buy a truck/SUV to survive The Coming Ice Age. Don't do ignorant nigger things like stealing and acting like a monkey. Respect yourself and your race. Don't humiliate your women with the degenerate feminism.

Stop consuming pornography and even try the NoFap challenge to boost test levels. Get off the internet for at least five minutes a day. Stop smoking cigs. Don't do drugs, folks. Don't watch degenerate media and read some books.

Download a cryptocurrency app and invest. Even a little will go a long way. Invest in multiple different coins. Sit on them for 10-20 years. Brush off the haters and jealous cucks. This is your life now. Welcome to /SIG/ 2018.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Guys I need a way to gain 50 pounds of muscle FAST
Like 5 days fast
How do I gain 10 pounds of muscle per day?

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Thread theme:

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daily reminder that self improvement is a fucking meme and nothing more

Wanker spotted

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brainlet spotted



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Why is it a meme?


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I'm skinny I need to GAIN weight
Now what are some redpilled weightlifts?

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because we're all gonna fucking die anyway, so why bother wasting time improving your life
plus, every single person i've seen who wants to improve their life are the type of people who think cleaning their room a bit would automatically sort out every life problem they have and it'll also increase their dick size

hahahahahahaha he's SO mad at us HEALTHY people that he needs to hate on /sig/
Don't you know that this thread regularly changes lives?
What a wanker

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ADE I’m pretty sure semen would be the best supplement for you. Lots of protein. I think you need to up your semen intake from 1 gallon a day to three.

20lb dumbbells
25lb dumbbells
30lb dumbbells
35lb dumbbells

3 sets of 10 reps
3 sets of 15 reps
3 sets of 20 reps
3 sets of 25 reps
3 sets of 30 reps

Dumbbell Bench Press
Alternated Biceps Curl
Shoulder Press
Triceps Kickback
Kneeling One Arm Row
Lateral Raise
Lying Fly
Upright Row
Stationary Lunge
Toe Raise

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Typical Anglo demoralization tactics. If you want my pure ARYAN blood you'll have to suck out of my cold, lifeless body you beady eyed cuntlord.

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#1 – Dumbbell Bench Press

The Dumbbell Bench Press is one of the best dumbbell exercises for the chest. Although it does require you to have access to a flat bench it remains one of the best ways to target your pectoral muscles (chest), your triceps, as well as your front deltoids (shoulders).
If you have access to a reclining and declining bench you’ll be able to modify the setup in a way as to perform the Incline Bench Press and the Decline Bench Press. The incline, i.e. putting the bench in a 45 degree angle modification will help you target the upper region of your pectorals while the decline, i.e. putting the bench below horizontal, will help you target the lower levels of your chest muscles.

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Okay but I'm too lazy for that what's a faster way
Fuck off cunt and focus on the subject
This has nothing to do with semen

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How do I into running again

#2 – Alternated Biceps Curl

The Alternated Biceps Curl is another classic dumbbell exercise that definitely belongs in this list of the best dumbbell exercises. Although there are many variations of this basic exercise, the main benefit will remain to strengthen your biceps muscles and to a degree your forearms.
You can perform this exercise by raising both dumbbells at the same; by keeping your palms facing each other throughout the movement for a Hammer variation; by limiting your movement to half-way up for a concentrated variation; or finally by using a preacher curl pad if you have access to one.

#3 – Shoulder Press

The dumbbell shoulder press is probably one of the best dumbbell exercises for the shoulder muscles. The dumbbell shoulder press is performed by raising your two hands at the same time or by pushing one hand up while lowering the other (alternating). It can also be done while sitting down if your ceiling is low or even with a back-supported vertical bench if you want to remove your back from the equation entirely.
Your deltoid muscles (shoulders) will be primarily solicited but they’ll definitely need help from your triceps, making this an excellent upper body exercise.

#4 – Triceps Kickback

The Triceps Kickback exercise is to triceps what the Biceps Curl is to biceps: its all time classic. While you will need to put your knee on a flat bench this setup will render performing the exercise very comfortable.
In order to maximize the input from your triceps though you will need to make sure that your upper arm stays still throughout the exercise otherwise you’ll get your back and shoulders to help take the load off of your main target.

#5 – Kneeling One Arm Row

The Kneeling One-Arm Row is probably the best back exercise one can do using a dumbbell. The action of putting your knee and hand on a flat bench will make targeting your middle back muscles (lats) very comfortable and effective.
While your lats will do most of the work, the rear deltoid muscle will also be solicited in helping raise the dumbbell.

#6 – Lateral Raise

lateral raise dumbbell exercises for shouldersThe Lateral Raise dumbbell exercise is the best way to specifically target your shoulder muscles, specifically your outer (middle) deltoid muscles.
This exercise can also be performed while sitting down or with your back supported. Additionally, bending your upper body forward will put a greater emphasis on your rear deltoids, thus making it possible to target specific regions of your shoulders.

#7 – Lying Fly

lying fly dumbbell exercises for chestThe Lying Fly dumbbell exercise will also require you to have access to a flat bench but along with the Dumbbell Bench Press exercise at the top of the list represents one of the best ways to target your chest muscles.
What distinguishes the Lying Fly from the Dumbbell Bench Press is how it manages to remove the triceps muscles from the movement by effectively locking them up in position for the duration of the exercise. This will allow you to put a greater emphasis on strengthening your pectoral muscles specifically.
You can also perform the incline variation and the decline variation if your workout bench will allow it.

#8 – Upright Row

upright row dumbbell exercises for shouldersThe Upright Row exercise is the last of the shoulder exercises to be included in this list and is the first one to bring in the upper back muscles, or trapezius to be specific.
This exercise is very effective at targeting the rear region of your shoulder muscles and can be performed very easily.

#9 – Stationary Lunge

stationary lunge dumbbell exercises for legsWhile dumbbells are well adapted to strengthening the leg muscles these exercises are not always the most popular. However we think at least one such exercise belongs on this list.
The Stationary Lunge is an easy to perform leg exercise that’s exceptionally good at targeting the muscles located in your lower body (quadriceps, glutes, and calves) and a lot of athletes spanning the entire sports spectrum use it religiously.

#10 – Toe Raise

toe raise dumbbell exercises for legsFinally, the last exercise on the list is one that targets the muscles located in your lower legs, that is you calf muscles, or calves.
The Toe Raise is the most effective way to strengthen your calves which are solicited during normal daily activities and while engaging in a great variety of sports where running or jumping is involved.


Won't those turn me into a girl or something? Don't steroids do weird stuff to you?

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Oil injections. It's ugly as fuck, unhealthy and dangerous, but fast.

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Anabolic steroids are used to build up muscle. Corticosteroids are used to dampen overactive immune responses and reduce swelling. The anabolic steroids abused by athletes are synthetic versions of testosterone, a male hormone. Both men and women naturally produce testosterone.

Steroids are for pussy who don't like the pain like you.

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OK I give up all the solutions are shit back to video games

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Stay fat and lazy


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Thanks mate

Shalom, (((self improvement general))). What are some redpilled torah verses to motivate me?

By Allah, watch your tongue, I will give you a taste of my shoe

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Based necrobumper

Can I have a good looking body if I have a compulsive need to run 6 kilometers every evening or will I always be this guy?

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