i just applied to starbucks what should i expect
I just applied to starbucks what should i expect
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learning how to be color brave
idk but nice rare digits
a lot of colored people
whiny teen moms
s o y
People calling their sizes retarded.
>small medium and large do not register because the cashier is a fucking retard
"Yeah, I'll take a fucking regular coffee. Please don't be an idiot and ask what the fuck that means. It literally means a small without your autistic honey-lemon-hazelnut-coconut sprinkles and shit, kay?"
>what should i expect
não esperavas esta
actually, i expect you to be gay
oh shit thanks doc, welcome back
whoops, gave you the 10Q in accident
no reply
you welcome
and ty !
Ignore the corporate culture as much as you can and focus on making good coffee. The atmosphere is usually nice and tips are usually pretty good.
Get people’s names wrong on the cup on purpose to see their reaction.
Nothing sucks worse than making people coffee. Coffee nerds get a huge stick up their ass about every goddamn thing. I had to quit before I burned someone's face off with the shit.
Thanks doc
Overly hot coffee that has probably been sweetened to shit or shitty employees with gender study degrees
On your last day you should say "sorry were not serving black people today." and make international news.
what is starbucks and why people relate language and coffee with this phrase