White racists: why does BM/WF sex trigger you?

I understand that black property crime, assault and murder statistics are a problem. But you get upset over white women and black men having consensual sexual relations with one another. Even if the black guy is clean-cut. The white race is an arbitrary entity. An arbitrary entity defined by skin pigment and a very broad geographical zone (Europe and depending on who you ask, some surrounding areas in West Asia and North Africa. Some don't even think that certain Europeans are white.)

There is no "White Brotherhood" or "European Brotherhood". Europeans hate each other ffs. Look at the PIIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain) mess with the EU. And Brexit. The wealthy EU countries like Germany resent having to "carry" the PIIGS countries. And the PIIGS countries resent having to take orders from Brussels (the Euro central bank) and being Brussels' bitch.

When my parents immigrated to Canada from Europe, I didn't adopt "white" as my identity. I adopted Canadian as my identity. And I don't even feel particularly patriotic anyways because Canada is sold off by the politicians to the highest bidder anyways. I don't even feel kinship with Canadians. People are shit. How are you supposed to make me feel kinship with people who share white skin pigment? lmao.

Your whole White Nationalist identity is rooted in sexual frustration and fear of the BBC. You don't get laid. You might even live with your parents or be unemployed or underemployed. So you want to blame all your problems on racial minorities and Jews. I've been with lots of black guys. Black guys are my primary preference. My boyfriend is black. But I don't think black men are necessarily bigger than white men. I've had sex with both. Yet you fear the BBC and black male sexuality and get triggered every time you see a black man with a white woman. Meanwhile if a white girl is having sex with Chad, the end result is the same: She's not having sex with (you).

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stop fetishizing black men you retard

I believe you meant to post this on we only hate muslims and gays here

Day of the rake soon

>I believe you meant to post this on we only hate muslims and gays here
Jow Forums mods have a stick up their ass. They quickly prune such threads because they claim they don't have anything to do with politics. They delete any pro-race mixing threads because they say this is /b/-tier. Yet neo-nazis are free to whine about race-mixing all the want on there.

I hate jews, capitalists, race mixers, Maoists, ancoms, ancaps, transhumanists, Christians, and anyone who doesn't want to better their people
Muslims suck too but not as much as christians and Jews

then take it to because we aren't going to be able to answer, much less want to put up with Jow Forums garbage

then leave

suck my dart you retard

>then take it to because we aren't going to be able to answer, much less want to put up with Jow Forums garbage
Jow Forums is basically Jow Forums and /b/ combined no? That's what it says in the subtitle International/Random. /b/ doesn't have flags and User IDs. Can't leafpost without flags. ;)


racism is othering people out of fear just like anti racism is othering people out of fear. just treat people like people and work on being self aware

>racism is othering people out of fear just like anti racism is othering people out of fear. just treat people like people and work on being self aware
Yea anti-racists these days I find are taking things too far in the other direction with their "you have to agree with us 100% or you're a nazi" stance. The liberals IMO are going too far with this abolish ICE, open borders stuff. While immigrants do contribute to the economy, there are a limited number of natural resources and 7.6 billion people on the planet. Inviting large amounts of third world immigrants into our first world countries is going to degrade the standard of living for the first world working class. Because we have to disperse a limited number of resources among a growing number of people.

I consider myself a self-interested individual. I see liberals are virtue signalling collectivists who feel white guilt and first world guilt. They are literally voting to downgrade their own standard of living. Because there's only so much housing you can build on so much land. So much petroleum you can drill. So many natural resources you can mine and extract from the earth, etc. So much food you can harvest, etc. There's only so much water and electricity and so on. Modern liberalism is a collectivist ideology.

The alt-right on the other hand are also collectivists because they expect you to put "muh white race" (something that I don't care about at all) over your own self-interests.

I'm a liberal. A libertine. I prefer to call myself libertine rather than liberal these days because modern liberals have perverted the meaning of liberal. I'm not a conservative. But I'm definitely not a social justice warrior either. I'm not a libertarian either because unless you are wealthy, libertarianism is not about rational self-interest. It's about putting the desires of rich people above your own.

Go back

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Jow Forums actively prunes pro-race mixing threads. Using the defense that its not politics. Hence why i'm posting here.

Good OC, saved

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Jow Forums isn't interested in your political garbage and race baiting, you're trolling nobody beyond people who don't want to see right-wing or left-wing politics

>Jow Forums isn't interested in your political garbage and race baiting, you're trolling nobody beyond people who don't want to see right-wing or left-wing politics
so where do you post this stuff on Jow Forums?
Here is an example of a thread that Jow Forums moved to Jow Forums: Jow Forums's mods are faggots who are fucking moving and pruning everything that triggers them by using the "it's not politics" defense. and here you are saying that this is politics. lmao

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nice fuck

Fuck off I bet your a Toronto cunt go live out with the natives for a week and you’ll want he schools back

>Fuck off I bet your a Toronto cunt go live out with the natives for a week and you’ll want he schools back
I am in the Toronto (suburbs though, not inner city). My neighbourhood is literally only 31-32% white. This is not an exaggeration. There are very few Aboriginals here. I can probably count on one hand the number of Aboriginals I met. I take it you're in Saskatchewan, Manitoba or somewhere where there are a lot of them.

I'm not even mad with the Aboriginals even though they commit more crime than black people in Canada (that's something! lol) I'm more upset with the politicians. Because the politicians create a society in which people on the bottom can't earn a decent living. I don't know the situation in Aboriginal communities but here in Toronto, housing is so expensive that cashiers, burger flippers, waiters/waitresses/etc. can't afford a 1 bedroom apartment. You have to live like a Pajeet (cram a bunch of people into a single apartment or house) in order to live here in the GTA. Having your own place in the GTA (even a studio apartment) is seen as a privilege now. Whereas before it was a rite into adulthood. Lots of adult children still live with their parents. Or they get a bunch of room mates. And they are forced to live like that for the rest of their lives. Because there isn't a perfect world where every adult gets a $60,000+/year job (which is the recommended salary you'll need for a 1 bedroom apartment in my suburb. lmao. Since banks recommend you spend no more than one-third of your pre-tax income on housing). And they make working class people like you and me pay for the transfer payments that go to Aboriginals. Instead of making the rich (who have more of an ability to pay) pay for it. Turning middle-income people against poor people and whites against minorities is classic divide and conquer strategy.