me & my bf
Me & my bf
My gf
kys faggot
I really want to shit on you but your taste is just so good.
Good waifu pick.
Yeah like edgy girls
Me (right) and my qt bf
Yeah me too. I'm also into tattooed trash too.
Yeah tattoo's make me hard as a rock too bad 3d women with tat's are almost alwasys sluts
>implying slutty women aren't fun and hot when you wrangle them
It is a shame that so few 3D women don't have more tattoos. I see plenty with attention whoring tats but finding a girl who actually has tattoos for complex reasons is difficult.
I don't want used goods
Only virgins care about someone being ""used goods,"" there's your life protip for the day.
And she doesn't want a virgin. Who do you think is gonna break first?
But i am a virgin
Don't act like one
Yes you do.
Dude she's fucked niggers before i don't want that shit. I want a shy qt neet girl with tasteful edgy tattoo's
I know you was a won befor i talk with you just watching and reading you post.
How do i do that
Okay, this is gay
Stop worrying about your partner's sexual history, it's not their fault that you've had less partners than average
I won't compromise i want tight virgin pussy not a std
>shy qt neet girl with tasteful edgy tattoos
>neet girls don't get tattoos because they'd have to go outside
>shy girls don't get them because they have to have someone touching them in erogenous places to put them on
You're gonna be alone forever then. I agree with what is saying. Worrying this much about sexual history is some beta shit that contributes towards your loneliness. Your standards are unrealistic and too rigid. If you can't compromise but want them to by dating your beta fuckboi ass then you deserve to be lonely virgin forever.
Beggars can't be choosers, and right now you're rejecting 99% of people because you're sexually inexperienced. Get over your insecurities or remain a virgin.
Hi, I'm gay.
I'm with you, hold on to your ideals, qt virgin gf or die as a virgin
this is me and my bf
based, but hivpilled
everyone knew france was gay already, cute pic
do you think anyone that's had sex has an STD?
Goddamn it i fucking hate being alive why did god give life to me?
Yes, thats why I'm a permanent virgin
Fuck off you erping faggot
Okay, this is epic
Pls delet
My nigga my dude
my thread is busier than usual
For you to learn what it means to be human and learn lessons about love, brotherhood and family.
Why do you have these high standards anyways?
Not like you've ever had sex or know what you're talking about.
>assuming all virgins have tight little girl cunnies
>implying they couldn't be masturbating with coke cans and bad dragons to completely blow that shit out before you get there leaving your "virgin" gf looser than your grandpa's stool but..... hey virgin right?
also reminder that vaginas don't get stretched out from use
is your mouth a floppy mess from eating food too often?
look who showed up. hehe
I don't have high standards i just want a girl that's like me
Das it mane. Knew I wasn't the only one.
Ehhhhhh don't go too far with that. There's whole rejuvenation surgeries roasties can get to bring the elasticity back to their otherwise blown out mandingo partied roast beef factory.
Then find one that's LIKE you but not you. Otherwise it gets boring really fast because you realize that you hate yourself and by proxy them.
oh no watch out we get a big boy over here
Ok you can keep the image for personal use but i dont want it posted here or on any of the chins again
>Be P*lish
I'm 99% sure that's not a thing; if it is it's probably just because of age. The myth itself is fairly misogynistic.
you're damn right, I'm pretty sure I could bash u irl
I'm Jewish actually
Well i don't really hate my self but trust me if i get my dream girl i'll hold on and never let go
i have the whole thread in the scrollscreenshot.
Nice i need something to burn in my chimney
You sound like a fucking psycho, you're probably a lonely and mentally handicapped granny tranny, aren't you
Don't try what your ancestors tried, It didn't work out well for you buddy.
Well it was a fun thread~
Gay jew faggot
>99% sure that's not a thing
What do I win?
Now I'm not saying having a lot of partners makes your vagina lose elasticity but if you're shoving things like 3 dicks in there at a time and masturbating with coke bottles or a baseball bat I'm going to assume that elasticity isn't something that's easy to get back. Child birth is the leading cause of vaginal elasticity loss next to age and it's because you've got something too big coming out which wrecks it. That's typically what happens when you stretch something out too much.
Yeah until you meet her bang some chicks. No girl who's a virgin wants another virgin. They want their pussies fucked up by a guy who knows how to destroy it.
>be amerishart
>get shot
That only mentions birth and age, so no, this doesn't do anything to prove the """roastie""" myth.
nope i am perfectly fine
nope i have friends i go out with daily
>mentaly handicapped
not acording to my documentation
>granny tranny
there are only 2 genders and transsexuals are mentaly disabled
I see you are from Jow Forums too
yeah keep trying jew. i already calling gestapo. my grandpa used shits like you as a target practice
>Be jew
>Get gassed
From here on out, please refrain from posting in my comfy thread. Thanks.
Dude just read your posts, you make me fucking shiver
>whats a gun?
Jew lover
chill i stop fighting with that jew. sorry for ruining this thread
Sorry, this isn't /b/, you should probably go back!
>be amerishart
>be fat
my ancestors sent americans to kill people like your grandpa
I'm not talking about your average girl who uses her fingers and has sex with oh no 10 guys! Yikes! I'm talking Sally stretch it all with her vagina that can fit a small watermelon. If she'd lose elasticity to child birth she'd lose it to that too. I don't think it's even possible to lose elasticity from even the biggest peenies being shoved in 4 at a time every day for a year. Now shoving things that don't belong up there like basketballs, whole fists and arms I can't find any articles on. I know the whole roastie thing is a myth there's no loss in elasticity from sexual promiscuity but what about this.
You can't say you don't see my logic.
Nope that place is a suicide cult.
I've just actually been with many a woman :^)
I haven't been on /b/ in mounths
Quick question, how often do you think women shove small watermelons into their vaginas?
I can say I don't see your logic, because the article you posted directly disproves your claims.
ok now 4 real.
i realy want someone short to be with me. :(
Fat? Nope skinny
Normie is right about this and even women of my age sit there and talk about just ageing make it less tight round the age of 30 and women will see out treatment and toll too help keep her self tight and then have a baby destroy you vigina it take a lest a month too get the blood too stop and it tighten up a little nothing likw it was befor.
>be american
>shart in mart
>Mrs Normie
Abandon thread
Suicdie sounds pretty go right now
So it cool too talk about women but when a women come in and tell you what right of wrong about what you saying it bad.
I've only been to wallmart 10 times in my life
Why are you pretending to be a girl? There's no shame in admitting you were wrong, you know.
1) you arent a real woman. Just a larping faggot
2) you are a shit tripfag and your presents kills threads
Enough for there to be fisting and insertion porn just readily available
Who the fuck isn't going to expect to lose some elasticity if you get extreme like this because you'd lose the same to pushing a child out of you.
Which is bigger a fetus or a fucking 2litre bottle?
I'm not saying it's typical for women to do this or that it's something you'll run into but once again I'm not saying the loss of elasticity to sexual promiscuity is anything other than a meme.
What I'm trying to deduce is WHEN not if CERTAIN women do this would they lose elasticity like with child birth after a certain size threshold is passed or is there an alterior reason child birth is so damaging other than size.
God like talking with a 4th wave feminist soi boi.
So because people have made porn videos with a bottle and because old people get surgery, all women who have an above average number of partners have loose vaginas? How about you cite a scientific article instead of a porn website, huh kid?
they still going?
anyone know an english speaking country. with short people? i am 6'5 and i realy want to have a shortie bf
What ever I not going too fight about my gender so that you can have something too do.
Not going too fight my gender and so it my falt that you and other cuck too me kill a thread I know it dose and trust me if I want too go round kill evey thread i will.
Whatever country you're currently residing in.
You're so blatant, and you're definitely not a normie (coming from an actual normie).
Indonesia has the shortest average male height but they aren't an English speaking country
You arent 6'5" though
You are 6'4" if you are 195cm
I thought I was 6'5" before too since I am your height too, but I was wrong
Poland. avarage height here is over 6 feet
It was a joke, but I'm part polish and I'm 6'0.
hmm i thought that 195 is 6.5 i gues i was wrong heh.
Could you normies fuck off back to plebbit?
>t. The rest of Jow Forums
ew anime