It’s true that they are ugly.
When I travelled around Europe, even the average woman was prettier than a “beautiful” English girl.
They are just ugly and they have to hide under pounds of makeup and lip filler to look decent
They also have no class at all
Why are they like this?
Why are English women so ugly?
the danes and norwegians took all the classy and pretty ones back in their longships
Why are Israeli chicks ugly
>tfw no qt british slag gf
>israeli chicks
choose one, britbong achmed
because they are not culturally enriched...
>Anglo genetics
Not even once.
I fucking hate you guys whenever i come across you insufferable cunts while travelling. Always loud, rude and selfish as hell.
Had a trip to thailand a few months ago and i was in a restaurant with a local lady i picked up and we were enjoying our meal. We were talking normally indoors like an adult should. The two americans on another table were also talking normally, and some arab looking guys were just chilling.
EVEN before the door open, i could hear their nasally "I KNOW RIGHT?!" from stom stiff upper lip british cunt and lo and behold its a lanky 190cm tall "hippie" with dreadlocks and is the embodiment of "dude weed" with a black girl and a white girl who both got the most annoying british accent you can imagine and they were talking like they were in a nightclub. The restaurant was playing live music and i could tell even the singer and guitarist got angry at the british cunts being loud as hell. I knew shit was going to happen because brits always fuck up.
They get a table right behind my thai lady and the lanky fucker keeps leaning back with his chair and hitting the thai girl so i get up, being 6 feet 8 inch or slightly above 2 meters tall i tell him politely "can you please stop hitting the girl with your chair?" and he gets up, and makes the biggest "OH MY GOD DID HE SERIOUSLY JUST SAY THAT?!" face at me and he say "WELL EXCUSE ME SIR, YOU WILL NOT HEAR ANYTHING MORE FROM ME TONIGHT" and i can hear his girlfriends say "FIRST STOP AND WE ARE ALREADY IN TROUBLE XDDD"
Brits ruin everything wherever they go. Stay on your fucking rotten island you pieces of shit.
Agreed, our 6-7/10s get bolstered to GODDESS status as most lads are used to fuck ugly man girls, but in our defense we still unironically have some attractive girls but theyre far and few between
I have been trying to identify the British phenotypes in Americans (I'm from the USA). I think that American women are generally better looking (given that they are fit) but many have mostly English genes, far higher than is reported in the census.
I think that through selection we might have gotten the better quality because the women who had 12 children passed their genes here while in England the birth rate was much lower.
Also it is no suprise that our Appalachian people originated from Scotland. Not that I don't like scots , they are great, but they don't really look so good...
Obesity doesn't look good on white people.
>This happened
American girls are better looking than English girls but waay uglier than European girls
Stop being a defeatist pussy, muster up some national pride and post some english cuties
Even if I do post some it doesnt change the fact that most English girls are meh
It isnt that they are ugly.
Its that they arent feminine.
>Why are English women so ugly?
Vikangz stole all the hot ones and took them home
They’re not
all the good looking adventurous ones came to america. the ugly losers who wanted to spend life worshipping their queen bred with their literal brothers and sisters
Actually never mind they’re hideous
She is ugly
Anyways average English girl does not look like that
I used to think this but I've travelled round Europe and the standard is little, if any, better. During the recent hot weather plenty of British girls have got my dick hard wearing skimpy clothing.
Because most of them are from africa
its a small island and they all lack vitamin D while gorging themselves on chips and beer. at least in America you can travel from state to state and spread genes a little bit. plus we see the sun more than once or twice a year.
I dont know user...I really dont know. Whenever I see american girls that are average for americans they're like 10s to me. kinda sad.
I pick the nice eyebrows girl third clockwise from blue glasses. I imagine her name is Mor.
very nice ficki ficki
Angl*s are the scum of the earth
What the fuck is this divide and conquer bullshit? Fuck you jew, start picking out ovens for your family.
Travel more
English are without a doubt the ugliest
Scandinavians and Dutch the best looking both men and women
The real scandal is how chuffing fat they've got. In little over a decade it's gone from 1 in 10 girls being fat to 1 in 10 being not a heffer!
Also the fact that they try and ape the kardashian makeup look doesn't help. No man has ever jerked it to a kardashian, they are the female ideal of attractiveness, not what men find attractive.
No they're not
After extensive bimboification
The ugliest women I saw were in Germany so idk what’s wrong with you. Since you hate English women and like Scandinavian ones I’m starting to think you’re a paki
>The ugliest women I saw were in Germany
Have some pride in your plastic slags
>haha this picture totally proves my point in this retarded conversation
This entire conversation is being staged by people who don't have foreskins.
How do I get a hot Israeli girlfriend?
Please tell me. I need
they're not that bad
Jow Forums you haven't lived until the day you smelled a woman's farts directly in your face. pic related
this, its a meme.
i swear big boob british slags on the top end have the highest impact tits ever
Begone Satan. Tempt mine loins no longer with thine deceitful kikery
Because the Brits are inbred af.
Jesus, this is my unit. They have they 11th BDE flag
I think I know that girl.
She was a cam model on MFC
I was there for a few weeks a few months ago. I completely agree I thought the non-brits were the better looking women while I was there.