Why are you faggots spamming king of the hill srsly

Why are you faggots spamming king of the hill srsly

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Someone is raiding our board, i think; fucking mods are useless

pretty shitty raid if you ask me CHEN, what do you think CHEN?

fuck I have this in an image but I can't find it, so enjoy the video

What's your endgame, C*irnoposter?


I'm just being nice and starting friendly conversations

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God, sometimes i forget that pure, lighthearted people still exist on this planet, i guess i'm a little sorry for being rude with you..
Btw, yes, King of the hill it's a good show but this raid it's retarded and i wish i could do something about it but nope, we're forced to eat their shit 'cause mods abandoned us

That's ah-okay! ^-^
Spam like that is always rather retarded, ugh.

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Fuck off cunt
Dont apoligize memeboi gang memebers never apologize to weeb fags bitch

Stop being transsexual

Not entirely useless: I finally got them to delete a dumb c*rnofag thread

Don't fall for the c*rnofag's lies, comrade. The next thing you know you're funposting with them watching anime and unironically playing Touhou. They're like fucking rootbeer.

Go fap to Alice pony nigger.

You're right, they're subtle and slimy, i already regret my post

I'm honestly just being nice, don't fall for their juvenile stupidity, I've watched you and always figured you were smarter... Nothing wrong with enjoying a good anime now and then!

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thanks for the bump you godless c*rnonigger, but my boi already has an anthem to march under:

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No, I was being nice, you're just pretending; besided, my first interaction with Jow Forums was a pepe dump on /b/, i will never betray the frogs

Nah, what you caught was just inside bants between me and the canadian, don't be paranoid! ^o^

This is wonderful

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Besides, I don't really care whether you post paint frogs or george bush, it's all fayne! ^-~

Your too polite, just like Al*ce, i don't trust your kind anymore

Eh, I'm nothing like Alice..

And you know why? Alice is in the clutches of psychiatry and their cursed devils spawn of a book (DSM-V). She clearly think she is "mentally ill", probably because some evil psychiatry conditioned her to believe in their lies. Psychiatry is nothing but lies, their criteria are laughably vague and nothing is grounded in anything legitimate.

Did a psychologist molest you or something

There are differences between psychiatry and psychology, let me tell you about psychiatry user... Well, in their cursed offices they laugh behind the peoples back as they write up new criteria of "illness", of course this illness has no actual proof but is still hailed as a physiological disease by their zombified minions. Try telling a "depressed" person they don't have a disease and watch them boil. These lies are mainstream now, people trust their judgement - and guess what happens? That's right! Little Kimmie is feeling a bit blue, she goes to a psychiatrist that tells her she has an illness and needs medication! Suddenly she's on the hook "Oh, so it's a disease, but thank heavens they know what they're doing and developed a medication! I sure didn't know I had chemical unbalance, amazing how they could tell that just by talking to me!". WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!! She is now changing processes in her brain, increasing signals and triggering things that wouldn't naturally be triggered. This is not a cure, it is not treatment - it is nothing but experimenting! But now she can join her reddit sub, talking to others who also have this "disease", they can condition her further into believing it is a physiological disease and nothing else -and ban anyone that dares to question it!

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Just fuck off weeb

Never, I bet you have a "mental illness yourself", probably "transsexualism".

Why do you keep saying im a tranny wtf




***** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY THE HANK HILL OF DOOM! ***** post this in 3 threads or you will die tomorrow

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null and void my ass faggot

