This is the future of music

And she's beautiful

Attached: 0199eeb8blog_cropped-580.jpg (566x424, 34K)

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did he take the bogpill?

Gonna need a quick rundown.


Attached: austin-powers-man-baby.jpg (380x281, 13K)

Im feeling a light to decent 8 on this

Listen you fucking scumbag there's literally nothing wrong it because that is a WOMAN. What part of that do you right wing retards not understand? Chromosomes are absolutely irrelevant. The only that matters is what you feel you are. Get a clue fucking brainlet.

No bogpill, she has prosthetic cheekbones

Is that carrot top?

has Europe's queen been dethroned?

Attached: netta.jpg (1280x853, 110K)