Anyone else wish there was just a revolution in you're country and all the gay commies and government control freaks...

anyone else wish there was just a revolution in you're country and all the gay commies and government control freaks were just thrown out.
H*ck not even all of the country, just enough so that we can be separate from the control of they

Attached: Sky Parliament.jpg (341x317, 20K)

inb4 V& for contemplating without a loicense or having the potential to offend a POC

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every day OP...every day...Those liars and their useful idiots destroyed everything this land could produce

Attached: it's all so tiresome.jpg (1200x675, 69K)

i dont understand how homosexual furries benefit from having violent niggers outbreed them and control their countries

No. I like Denmark as it is

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i dont understand how homosexual weebs benefit from having violent niggers outbreed them and control their countries

Go back

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do you just mash on the keyboard for your filenames you faggot?

Do you just mash on your keyboard when you reply bc it looks like shit