Super edition
Kpop General
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lameo edition
how about super pretty
did you see the new k-buzz video on jennies appearance in sprite commercials or something
>what's the deal?
>That pic
This sounds quite hostile
Am I being "you don't post her"ed right now?
Also is it weird that I sorta expected that posting her would get your attention? Not for this reason though, you were just supposed to nice it or something
Of course not.
Aren't we all?
not hostile, it's just out of character for you. you feeling alright, chingu?
>bought skinny jeans on accident
What's wrong with that? Skinny jeans are the jjang
>it's just out of character for you
Sounds like I'm being "This feels very surprising coming from you"ed now
>you feeling alright, chingu?
Quite alright. Will you be asking me that everytime I do something out of the ordinary?
Also got a small task for you
i just didn't realize that's what i was getting, i've never tried any on before
surprisingly comfy, i'm down with it
Not to use the same phrase on you again, but this is different. You got a phone now or you just taking pictures? First coffee and now this
Goes well with the cap, you gaypopper
>surprisingly comfy
Straight jeans for me
Or Bell bottoms
>Or Bell bottoms
This really tells about your age
>Sounds like I'm being "This feels very surprising coming from you"ed now
>Quite alright.
>Will you be asking me that everytime I do something out of the ordinary?
depends how out of the ordinary. bomi is new from you.
>got a small task for you
yeah, shoot
>Or Bell bottoms
Is that why you like it on girls?
i got some grey shirts too
now i can have a whole greyscale outfit
they always looked awful, but the tightness is more than offset by the elasticity
who woulda thunk it
>Straight jeans for me
that's what i've worn up til now, but i might make the switch with this newfound comfiness
>Bell bottoms
very cute
got an ipod touch so i thought i'd try my hand at the gary thing
aren't those in style now? rv wore them recently and they're trend setters.
Lol. It's like some next level autistic commercial
I'm allowing it, cause it's you
>Depends how out of the ordinary. bomi is new from you.
True. Think you'd call me strange just cause you could though
>yeah, shoot
I'm bringing my A's cap with me, unless you convince me to bring one of the other teams I got
>aren't those in style now?
Not here in Brazil
And I would hope no frockets
>got an ipod touch
Nice. Had one of thems before I got a smartphone, didn't have a camera though. Just got it?
>i'd try my hand at the gary thing
as they say
>Create your own style that's true blue for you
You know I might end up requesting pics now though
>green cap
kinda weird for slovenia given their colors, eh? i'd go with the mariners cap for the blue and save oakland for when you visit time to swim.
>that's what i've worn up til now, but i might make the switch with this newfound comfiness
I do have a pair of boot jeans for winter I wear for work but I usually use my woodshop/cargo pants.
It's all about the strut and music helps. I suggest bee gees stayin alive.
If I can find my Mariners..
Always got an old Yankees one from my mom but even you'd beat me up if I wore it probably
Have fun
You are in touch with your feminine side, as they say
>I would hope no frockets
only because the ones without frockets were more comfortable
>cargo pants.
what a cool kid
>ones without frockets were more comfortable
So you agree shirts without them are objectively best
>for when you visit Brazil
>I suggest bee gees
Good taste chingu
Frockets look d*mb imo
More like why do no one even reply to my rude posts question mark edition
wow hilarious i'm dying over here haha
unfortunately ur d*mb
>>for when you visit Brazil
Think you're supposed to be coming here instead bub
Promoted to thread genius
Yo, stop that.
>Think you're supposed to be coming here instead bub
But I'll be a manlet in Dutchland and I can't even ride a bike, how will I survive there?
>Promoted to thread genius
then quit using lame jokes to insult me and the things i like
>But I'll be a manlet in Dutchland
Nah, just don't go to any concerts and you won't notice that much
>I can't even ride a bike, how will I survive there?
Good point, but life is all about learning
Too bad the things you like are lame jokes. Or is that what you meant
You're a thing I like though, so I'll stop
>Too bad the things you like are lame jokes
see there's a nice, respectable joke accusing me and my interests of lameness
>You're a thing I like
Felt a bit too high swimming fish for me though
Also nomo
How's public transportation in the Netherlands?
you too can become a high swimming fish poster
i believe in you
Depends. Between cities is always 10 mins late, but in the cities they're frequent, cheap and fast. If you're in a city with trams at least. Busses are worse
Noo, I'm either lame or good
I don't wanna
>what a cool kid
The coolest
>Noo, I'm either lame or good
eh? that does seem how it works
choose to be good
>I don't wanna
try your best
but not the kiddest
>choose to be good
I try man, it ain't easy
Not trying to yesmo though
there there
>I try man, it ain't easy
hwaiting i think
Ya thinks right
Shut eye
sleep tight
>there there
>Fires the shot
>Then comforts
>Shut eye
Rest easy
Everyone's a kid.
We just have more experience with it than they do.
Good night.
don't worry about it
>We just have more experience with it than they do.
Is that how it works?
I got my eye on you
omo looks fat
that doesn't seem like not worrying about it
>that doesn't seem like not worrying about it
Because it merits it
What are you up to?
Just finished the last episode of the expanse.
I'm glad amazon saved it from cancellation. It's been quite good.
>the expanse.
What even is
One of the only worthwhile scifi shows recently.
i've done nothing worrisome
>One of the only worthwhile scifi shows recently.
I might check it out, just remind me when I'm looking for something to kill time.
>i've done nothing worrisome
I'll try to remember. Remind me if I forget.
>Remind me if I forget.
my existence is worrisome?
There there
Oh wow, it's lunch time already?
Are you doing what you're doing?
>Are you doing what you're doing?
uh.. i'm not sure what you mean by this but technically speaking i'm always doing what i'm doing
Sorry, boredom.
classic boredposter
Classic classic
el big classico
Wait did sm mess up an upload?
how are the japanese versions of the old songs?
Classic squared
>how are the japanese versions of the old songs?
big classic
haven't listened yet? surprising.
>haven't listened yet? surprising.
Wasn't as enthused about the Japanese release
kys dumb weeb
practically greek architecture
It's not Seulgi but it's great!
>practically greek architecture
Known associate of wheel inventor
Dwai worry about it, hyung.