you know the deal, request what you want and i'll draw it.
/grem/ General
draw a goose
7 feet tall
i wanna say 280 pound but if you're only 280 at 7 feet tall that's remarkably thin so just make it big
80 years old
dumbo mock ears
hood royal fluff
split curtain tail
wooly fur
hair like adult gon from hunter x hunter
prosthetic upper left torso
good luck
I desire more Junko
You got it boss!
I'll probably draw these three together, or just isolate the goose and make a thicc junko
Just working on the skeleton for your grem2, if there's anything you want me to change, just give me a heads up
draw a fucking stick
draw a circle
Draw an ending, pic related.
(hey there slushy)
I'm not sure what kind of thing you want me to do with your pic related.
Jesus fuck, this might take me a LONG while.
draw me
>I'm not sure what kind of thing you want me to do with your pic related.
The ending ofc.
but there's the ending?
i had too many burgers, excuse my idiocy
You promised to draw, /grem/.
Ah fuck, I'm sorry sweden, I had the mentality that you wanted me to do a normal drawing, not a grem
Will get on it.
ty poland
i requested 1 and u didnt delivr
Which one was it?
Please tell the request again jev, I probably was asleep or I was busy with another grem
draw a random ass grem or something i don't fucking know
>Will get on it.
Well, while at it, is there any specific combination you want for your grem?
No. Please proceed as an artist.
you got it boss
i want an average one in a cherry print black shirt
fan out ears
can't wait
Going to zonk out, let's leave it for tomorrow.
Or, I can dig it up from Nyafuu if you can't wait.
Anyway, thanks /grem/ dude.
No problem! I'll try to see if I can finish it today, and i'll post it in this thread and the next thread.
Have a good one!
Eh, i tried.
What about for his tail, neck and mutations lad?
OP sucks
please respond
Well that's kind of rude, innit?
I was eating.
Hey user! How can I help you?
is the thingy in progress
Still working on it, I was just eating. I'll continue with it right now, Jevin will have to wait for now.
Also, do you have a reference for a prosthetic for the upper left torso? I'm just wondering how that would look.
(currently what i've got going on btw)
is the Junko in progress?
no just like uhhhh half breastplate thing covering the left side of the chest but it'a built in to the flesh. maybe add a little light thing over where the heart'd be.
Not for now, sorry Junko, i'll make a thicc grem2 of junko once i'm done with the fluffy user
(By the way, where does junko come from? I'm curious.)
Aaah. I see, thanks lad!
Well, while at it, you guys could add me on discord and i'll make a group to show you guys the drawing.
Might as well.
it doesnt seem that hard to draw these if i had my tablet on hand id probably shit one out right now to prove it to you but i dont
Well, do it yourself then.
Don't rely on me if you can do it famalam
are you mentally ill
oh wait you're a tripfag with a discord drawing tumblr art so yeah you are
>calling me a tripfag with a discord drawing art
>being this autistic for fictional characters
What's stopping you from telling me what I can improve on rather than just being autistic?
how am i being autistic
how am i being autistic "for fictional characters"
what are you even saying
Well, you're getting worked up about me not doing your grem, although I have been working on 's grem.
Plus, are grems real creatures? No.
What's the big fuss?
jevin go back to [s4s]
By the way, user, how's this? I might not be able to add the fluff, as I have no idea how to.
>you're getting worked up about me not doing your grem
No I wasn't? I called you mentally ill because you said "Don't rely on me if you can do it".
Well? Why are you calling me mentally ill just by saying "Don't rely on me if you can do it"? There's literally nothing of idiocy in that statement. You're free to ignore this thread and do your own for all I care.
Here you go! All done.
Sorry for not adding fluff, I just didn't know how to do that.
thank you
Yeah! No problem, sorry for taking so long. I tried a bit too hard to make it just perfect.
You're up next. Any traits you want?
I'll be going to sleep now, goodnight anons. Have a good night!
it Just needs to be Junko, let your imagination go wild
I'll see what I can do tomorrow.
See you tomorrow, Junkoposter, you're a nice guy. I like you.