Had this wet dream last night, rate it, Jow Forums
>this muscle god lifts at the gym >nobody at the gym except you and him >he is shirtless and wears white sport pants >he's wet with sweat >his tits are so juicy >you come up to him from behind and start touching him >he responds >you lick his sweaty bubble boobs >he moans >you push your finger into his ass >he almost roars with pleasure and goes full submissive buttslut >you lick his boipussy >he almost cums, begs you to stuck it in >you bend him over and spank his huge ass >he moans"baby, daddy wants your girl pee in his poo" >you pound him >each thrash gets harder >he whimpers like a little anal bitch >you both cum simultaneously >he licks and eats your semen >you cum into his mouth again