Something I do in my spare time is to use tinder, select a foreign city and see what the women look like from other countries. From what I've seen California and Texas have mongrels of women. Anyone else do the same or something similar ?
the cali women were skinny and ugly whereas the texas women were obese
Something I do in my spare time is to use tinder...
I set it to Australia and see how many chinks I can get
North Carolina has trad QT’s
Wanna try setting my location to Hong kong or something, just to see if the "just be white"-theory is correct
Legit do the same thing cause Brit women are fucking dogs. New York/Cali is rare to find a decent woman. Change to Moscow or Russia in general and like 9/10 women are hot and you get many matches, well I do anyway
>i use a feature you have to pay money for to judge Americans
Thanks for your contribution to the American economy. This is why you’ll forever be a no good inbred potato nigger
I've done this great results
your welcome amerimut
Trad...not if you pay attention to them. T-Jarhead stationed in that shithole for 4 years. Southern women are literally as slutty as French Canadian women, with the later you just don't need to bullshit them as much
that's a good idea man I'll give it a go
cool idea op. have you conducted any tests to see which city finds you most attractive?
Toronto here. I will probably have to start doing the same because I feel like I’m in Africa whenever I use this piece of shit app.
Literally just set to anywhere in Russia and you will have plenty of matches and none of them will be ugly as fuck dogs. And they’re pretty conservative which is better
Ya pretty much any Russian or Australian city the fuck many niggers did Castro allow in? I played baseball in the gta in the 90's and Canada looked like the US in the 50's. Last time I went through Ontario it looked like New Deli
Fuck up virgin you'll never fuckin' be white, faggot.
You have luck in Australia? Anywhere specifically I just find the majority are ugly Asian mutts
Russian women...conservative...ummmm, user I've got some bad news for you...
ya the more inland you go the better for some reason
>live in Austin
>download Tinder
>all the women are humongous or ass ugly
>find out that all the hot girls are gold digging whores that find men on Instagram
Any recommendations?
Just move man if you can't get a decent woman just move.
ya an area called Hale seem to have decent women.
I actually have the opposite problem. The girls here in Tinder Sweden are absurdly hot. 90% of them are 8-10/10. Problem is that if you're a fairly normal working class dude, even if you absurdly hot, these girls are quite frankly offputting. You know that their idea of a good date is to good to an expensive club where you're gonna pay for everything and then you dance to shitty EMD music.
So I just swipe left on those girls and right swipe those sweet goth and metal chick. I mean they are pretty rare but holy shit its so nice to just get in touch with someone that doesn't tuirn their entire life into an instagram account.
Fuck that first place i take a girl is for coffee and take it from there no way would i take them to a club. I don't drink alcohol and I make a point of telling them that so that sort of screens out the absolute degenerates.
Michigan has lots of pretty white women but most are single moms by 26. I window shop there because no white non Jew non degenerate in So Cal.
>what I like to do is pay a degenrate app my money to do nothing
Plus all the STD that they might have
>this is their reward, user.
It’s legit like £20 a year, oh well
>the texas women were obese
its true especially the spics
No joke this was the first pic I saw when i selected your country.
I mean obviously im being prejudiced and stuff against them, but even if that's not what they do on first dates that what they'll do for fun if you do start dating them because thats what people like doingg here. Either that ot they just sit at home and play video games and watch movies or maybe do sports.
The thing about coffee though is that right now the weather is absolute murder so any suggestion of drinking anything hot turns girls off. A walk in the park usually seems to work extremely well though. While I'm not technically dating this chick Im currently seeing, we usually hang out smoke a joint or two and just walk into a forest and sit there and talk about life. Yesterday we found this really nice place on a hill side where you're sitting in the shade in a big blueberry field.
fucking MODS
oy vey thread moved
Russian women best.