What are some good movies bant?

what are some good movies bant?

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The devil's rejects is my favorite

blade runner

I’m trying to finish the last 45 minutes of the new one. It’s such a fucking chore bro.

>It’s such a fucking chore bro.


>12 angry men
>shutter island
>full metal jacket
>spirited away
>silence of the lambs
>seven pounds
just a few off of the top of my head.

The never ending story

only movie itt that I havent seen is 7 pounds
sounds interesting

paprika is an interesting weeb film

yeah it was really good
i like satoshi kon's stuff

Do you have something like this but as a flowchart?

Bee Movie

Seven Samurai

What genre you feeling

A classic. Have you seen the new Magnificent 7? If so, what did you think of it?

El Topo
I really like the films that director made. Shame I can't remember his name without googling it, its Jodorovski.
You'll need to be willing to watch tho as these filns can be really slow

action m8

something like predator or rambo or heat

why would you need a flow chart?

it was shit

I don't know where to start out of all those movies and where to go from there

they arent all connected mate, the order doesnt matter

Well I'm not going to watch 245 movies so what should I start with?

very trippy film, i loved it though

the recent film release was an entertaining summer film but forgettable in the long run, doesn't hold a candle to the Seven Samurai in any way. the older Magnificent 7 is actually a great western, took the original concepts and adapted it well, but still wasn't able to get to that overall legendary quality the original film had

whatever one you think looks interesting


I haven't gotten around to it yet. That disappointing, though unsurprising to hear.

Terminator 2 Judgement Day, great action flick, beefy men, though provoking dialog about the future, amazing twist if you've already seen the original film, a female lead that actually kicks ass, YOU SUNUVA BITCH, emotionally rendered sci-fi flick, and vfx that STILL HOLDS UP TO THIS DAY

they made some anime adaptation of seven samurai except in a steampunk setting with mechs and stuff

it was actually pretty good from what I remember

another list 4 u

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and this one

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I'm sure you have, but have you seen The Unforgiven? It's my favorite western fallowed by The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.

ive seen the 60's one but apparently the 90s one is really good as well
i guess that makes sense, I mean its clint eastwood directing a western

I really think you'll like that one.

that’s a lot of movies

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reservoir dogs, pulp fiction, inglourious basterds, the hateful eight

I have a lot of free time

Watch Boku no Pico, it's a very riveting slice of life anime about growing up to be your own man.