I make le 08:27 am thread

i make le 08:27 am thread

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this is american pokeposter btw but i just saved this image and felt like posting it

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froge and anime united
what terrible powere...
also what does dilg mean

nothing as far as i know but it looks like it could stand for something doesnt it

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also i'm happy the vaporeon is ok

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oh you mean my id lole i'm stupid

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it's early ok

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my wife chino is so cute

what are you gonna do today

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nothing like everyday except showering and eating i just sit in front of my pc and check bant and some other sites until the day is over
i don't think this is good for my mental health but nothing is fun anymore

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oh same actually

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go meditate in nature

you should download the new shin megami tensei mobile game so i have someone to talk about it with its pretty fun

there is no real nature in germany lole it's all one suburb with a few fields in between

i'd do that if i still got any kind of fun from playing video games but i'm not kidding when i say i just sit in front of my pc all day doing nothing
idk why this is happening it wasn't always like this

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idk how

i'll go eat breakfast now i'm hungry

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ok good luck
rate my mothman

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Good morning

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that sounds bad

i'm back i ate some cereal with blueberries again also he cute

good morning

it is

Danke du bist ein mein fren deutsch mann??

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Haha I have oops
