What does it mean if your ex says they don't know if things can be fixed between you two or not

what does it mean if your ex says they don't know if things can be fixed between you two or not
does that mean theres a chance

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PLEASE respomd

this is urgent

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idk but at least they're not totally ruling it out

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It's better to just move on

oh no no no no no

Sorry senpai but if your subconscious isn’t certain then it probably knows it’s unlikely. You could go through all the questions to figure it out if you’d like
Warum postest du immer die Pokémons?

it's fun

Es gibt keinen anderen Grund dafür?


definitelt give her time to think about it. you shouldnt go for her again right away, but should instead think about if she is right with you

Fair enough


oh fuck

Gay! Stop gayposting

Attached: 2912DE1D-659F-4583-A374-4C30D614ED3E.png (375x777, 316K)

there is a difference between gay and gay posting

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Du hast Recht. einfach eine Reaktion

is this google translator or can you actually speak german

Ich bin leider ein bisschen “rusty” wegen des Sommersurlaub aber ja, ich studiere seit 3 Jahren Deutsch in der Uni

dein deutsch ist gut

Danke schön . Es macht mich fröhlich zu hören


cute fox pokemon

stay on the board forever