Why isn't nicotine used for weight loss...

Why isn't nicotine used for weight loss? I know a lot of the effects of the drug are lost rather quickly after tolerance ensues but the appetite suppression stays, I've used it for over 10 years and it has never failed me in suppressing my appetite.
People against it tend to say the addiction is why you wouldn't want to use it for that. But is the addiction not worth being skinny if that's what you really want? As long as you don't smoke (nicotine can be taken with other methods, void of tobacco) the side-effects are rather minimal.
So, what gives?

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some fatties arent fat because they eat alot they say its glandular or something i dunno im a sticc

obviously you don't like stuffing your face with food

There's a lot of reasons for this. Of course exercise would be superior in this regard.
Nope, I don't eat a lot.

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bury ebil





Is nicotine effective for weight loss?
I know it suppresses appetite but I still see a lot of fat people smoking.

Sure, it will speed up your metabolism, it will suppress the feeling of hunger and decrease the blood sugar level (making you crave less sugar).

it turns your brain liberal just like weed

It's more complex than this btw. But this is established still, as is the weight increase smokers experience after quitting.

I see. I didn't realize it also increased metabolism.
As far as the weight loss after quitting, I'm not sure it can be wholly prescribed to loss of nicotine's benefits though. The withdrawals have a lot of negative effects.
By not being used for weight loss then, you mean being prescribed by doctors for weight loss? I know some people use it to self-medicate for that purpose.

I vape specifically because nicotine is an ok weight loss drug

bad, you're probably gay now


the big gay

checking your yey ID get

I don't know, it can be considered I guess. I feel the stigma it gets because of smoking shouldn't affect the substance in itself to the degree it does. Needs more studies.

Does the speed at which stigmas like this are overcome bother you?