Risk: Jow Forumselopes Welcome Edition

Will start in 30 minutes
Go ahead and please be quick.

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Dark Red

Gumulurubadradrivenkataphanisarathkumar of Venkatanarasimharajuvaripeta
Southern India

Persian Empire

Starting in 15 minutes

Ottoman Empire
Dark Blue

Plus Ultra

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Starting early. More people are welcome

fill the region Im in and then rush to Lisbon

updating bonus

Fill Iran

fill region

southern Mali

>starting 10 mins early
Why tho
Fill south India

Waiting on this guy.

The Highlands

Attached: Mupdate.png (4108x2866, 751K)

Fill Lisbon and the rest of Portugal.

I'll roll for the Anglos to fill Denmark; if they don't come back someone can take the dark red colour and start in a region they'd like to start in

fill south.

invade Guinea

More of southern India, spills sri lanka

Fill Scotland, spills to England

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Fill region

Well huh

New Egypt

Fill Andalucia, spills to Cataluña

fill into Romania

You've got 23t to spill

Throw the spills to Iraq and then arabia

Fill into +3 region to the north

Fill Senegal

spills to Greece

Removed for inactivity. Anyone is welcome to take dark red

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Fill the region Im in and spill to Galicia & Asturias
updating bonus

Invade Burkina Faso

keep filling romania

I'm going to invade Burkina Faso

Move into the +2 region next to me

Fill Egypt

Hey buddy how about a NAP?
I have no interest in going further west than Pakistan

Hey, how about an NAP? I promise not to infringe upon any territory you wish to have as long as you don't intrude upon me

Rolling for the Picts to fill Northumbria, if they don't come back then they can say goodbye too. People who just leave and join piss me off.

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Fill arabia

Fixed bonus

Conquer the Holy Land. Spills go to the rest of Egypt

Invade southern Mauritania
Want a NAP? You can rule the coasts and I can rule the interior.

fill that state south of Romania once Romania is filled.

Beeline towards Persia, break the bonus

Fixed bonus

I was going to accept the nap but if you want to fight sure

Not like you have much of a chance, only a +2 bonus next turn :^)

NAP accepted
Fill Spain spills to France

fuck him up m8

The pajeet players always win. This is why I usually give shitland a ridiculously low bonus to deter such an advantage, but I forgot to when I posted this map.

As a result, the future is POO

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Deter people from taking advantage of this*

Also one more round for the Picts and then they're fucking gone.

Fill Persia

Fuck up pajeet

Continue filling the holy land. Spills go to Egypt

Algeria (excluding coast) is Mali

Fill Britain. I needed to shit.

updating bonus; Fill the region Im in and rush to Paris.

You wish to fill North Africa excluding the coast?

Yes, it's part of an NAP.

Glad you're back, we needed at least one Germanic in this game

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Take Persia

Take back persia

Just a word of advice man; you ought to fill Turkey to get that 5 tile bonus if you ever want to make it through this eastern buttrape invasion

March east till we hit N'Djamena

Fixed bonus

Fill this region and take both Alger and Tunis
Spills take Southeastern France

Penalizing Kieta -20t for three rounds for being a lying nigger about his bonus

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Fill rest of Egypt

Take 1 t in persia than rush via straight into india to fuck up his bonuses

Finish off the "Persian" empire

Looks like I calculated wrong.
Anyways, I'm taking this round off till the next mupdate.

Trip and switching devices

You have a 22t bonus because of all the capitals in niggerland

Take Tripoli and the last tile of tunisia
Spills to the Southeastern region of France (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur)

Roll for Ottomans to fill Turkey and Bulgaria

Roll for Pictland to take the British Isles.

Attached: Mupdate.png (4108x2866, 742K)

Go into India and fuck up his bonuses and send some Ts to take a T in Persia

Invade Nigeria

Attack Persia through the coast of Arabia

Finish off Egypt, spills go to Crete and Greece

Fill Ireland, spills to Benelux

Fill the southern region of france (1t)
spills to the new region Im in (eastern france)

Attached: Mupdate.png (4108x2866, 740K)

Kill Persia, spills ottomans

Fuck Up his bonuses as much as possible


Fill Greece

Fill Switzerland, spills to Luxembourg, Bretagne and Baden-Württemberg.

Attached: Bre-Lux-Baden-Swiss.png (660x546, 47K)

Can I offer an NAP? I will not interfere with anything you do, and I will not take territory you wish to possess.

He will invade you

Further spills to Normandy