Not going to work today

not going to work today

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Stop doing that

no i hate my gay job and i hate my dumb life

gay jobs are better than no jobs

no worke no mone

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what do i need money for
the only thing i was saving for was to visit my friend but thats off the table now

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i don't know either
i get some passive income every month from a thing i set up when i was still kinda mentally stable and it's just piling up now because the things i want can't be bought with money lole

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mcspaghetti sounds really really bad


buy video games

hong kong please tell me what mcspaghetti tastes like

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I almost know more about your life than my own at this point

satanic id

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yeah but does it taste like real spaghetti

oh no no
also you almost have the same color


dfp9ZkzK id
i feel like you're getting pretty fed up with my constant blogposting

so you haven't tried it yet or what

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Fuggin based