If you stop browsing Jow Forums and other forums filled with hatred and negativity...

If you stop browsing Jow Forums and other forums filled with hatred and negativity, you can start trying to become a good person from scratch.

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why would i want to become a good person

What would I do if I can't bully animefags anymore? Seems boring, kot

>filled with hatred and negativity

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are you a good person pajeet?
teach me how i can be a good person

1. Stop using imageboards.

would rather stay a cunt and scratch my balls

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Go away animefag

I said Jow Forums. And Jow Forums is also a big timewaster. Some of the namefags I see are around at any hour of the day.

but you use imageboards

Not as frequently, and it has brought me great sadness regardless. But I promise, this will be my last thread.

Heh sure

I am a good person though.

Bye :(

They called me Mister Glass.

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এক বার ট্রাই করে দেখুন। আমি সত্যি কথা বলছি।

You'll live a more fulfilling life. Although you probably never leave the house anyway.

If you stop shitting streets and other locations filled with people and publicity, you can start trying to become a hygienic person from scratch.

The first thing 4 chan users need to do is lose some weight, 70% are fat fucks. The rest of them also need to start gaining some muscle.

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I'm afraid to go outside


Puura chapa. But I only go to comfy boards and not reddit cancer like Jow Forums on burger hours. Maybe that's why

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Also based if your actually from West Bengal tho

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there's not enough negativity on bant

This, Jow Forums is a cosy, comfy and cute board

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Oh yeah? What constitutes a good person for you?

I'm from Bangalore, but Bengali is my mother tongue and my parents taught me how to read and write the language.