Delete pakistan

delete pakistan

Attached: index.jpg (225x225, 9K)

پر کْیَوں؟ :/

Delete Bangladesh

you're so annoying

delete asia

Delete southern hemisphere

Delete white ppl

Delete yourself /d/iscord attention seeking namefaggot

delete israel

Delete no country, and instead make them all stable where people will no longer want to immigrate.

Your mum is gay.



Cringe discord sympathizer

Lmao just throw away the whole Africa

Cringe discord @ function user

Cringe newfag

Attached: 5C2FAC40-9AFC-4EFE-8B51-105C43EFE570.jpg (300x450, 41K)

Suck my fucking tiny dick

Delete London

how big

But Britain, you created Pakistan!

Like very big

Attached: 1533429861033.jpg (4160x3120, 1.62M)